There is an old saying that goes like this: “If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck.”
I think another way to say the same thing is if there is one incident, it could be a mistake or a misunderstanding. If there are two incidents, it might be a coincidence. If there are three or more incidents, it probably really is a duck.
Yesterday was Memorial Day when we honor veterans and especially veterans who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. I attended the funeral of my brother-in-law, LeRoy Worby, who was a WWII veteran and a lifetime member of the American Legion. It was fitting that he should be buried on Memorial Day. We should all honor that generation which put Country before personal gain. We have lost some of that.
We had four individuals die for their country in Benghazi. Could these individuals have been saved? I don’t know? We can’t even find out who gave the order for our military to stand down. It is obvious that everyone in a position of authority knew this was a terrorist attack, but it was blamed on an anti-Muslim video, and we can’t find out who changed the talking points. It looks like a duck.
We have the Internal Revenue Service targeting conservative groups and individuals while giving preferential treatment to liberal groups. Nobody seems to have any knowledge of these crimes that could have a ten-year sentence. One top IRS official says she did nothing wrong, but is taking the fifth in order to avoid testifying to Congress. I am not sure how she can make a statement for the record and then take the fifth. Who is she protecting? It walks like a duck to me.
The Department of Justice seems to be completely out of control. Both the Associated Press and Fox News reporters seem to have had their First Amendment rights violated. The good news about this incident is maybe the media will actually start covering the news and start performing their role as a government watchdog instead of just being a lap dog.
We have the Fast and Furious incident where people died, and nobody seems to know anything about who was responsible. We also have some Black Panthers convicted of voter intimidation and then having the DOJ dropping the charges before sentencing. I think it quacks like a duck.
Let’s see, I think that is five incidents that are all probably criminal offenses and nobody in the administration seems to have any knowledge of anything. I think it probably is a duck.