Monday, December 31, 2018

Target on Their Back

        All of these people have had a target on their back, because they were associated with or supported Donald Trump for President.  Most of these people were accused by the Mueller investigation of lying.
·        Michael Cohen, Former Trump attorney
·        Jerome Corsi, Author and political commentator
·        General Michael Flynn, National Security Advisor 
·        Rick Gates, Trump campaign aide
·        Paul Manafort, Former Trump campaign chairman
·        George Papadopoulos, Trump campaign advisor 
·        Roger Stone, Political consultant and strategist

        Take a look at some of the other people that have lied to Congress or the FBI.  None of these people have ever been prosecuted for their perjury. 
·        Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of State
·        James Baker, Former FBI, Comey advisor
·        John Brennan, Former CIA Director
·        James Clapper, Former Director of National Intelligence
·        Hilary Clinton, Former Secretary of State
·        James Comey, Former FBI Director 
·        Michael Hayden, Former Director of National Security  
·        Eric Holder, Former Attorney General
·        Loretta Lynch, Former Attorney General
·        Andrew McCabe, Former Deputy Director of FBI
·        Cheryl Mills, Attorney and Hillary Clintyon aide
·        Bob Mueller, Special Prosecutor & former FBI Director
·        Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General, DOJ
·        Lois Lerner, Former IRS Director Exempt Organizations
·        Lisa Page, Former FBI attorney
·        Susan Rice, Former National Security Advisor
·        Rod Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General
·        James Rybicki, Former FBI Chief of Staff for Comey
·        Glen Simpson, Fusion GPS partner
·        Christopher Steele, British intelligence office
·        Peter Strozk, Former FBI agent
·        Chis Wray, FBI Director
·        Sally Yates, Former US Attorney General 

        The Mueller investigation is clearly a witch hunt.  The requirement for appointing a special prosecutor is evidence of a crime.  No evidence of a crime ever existed, which makes the entire investigation illegal. 
        Mueller’s instructions were to find a crime that Donald Trump had committed which could lead to impeachment.  Russian collusion was the initial emphasis.  There was Russian collusion, but it was by Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.  At the very least, Mueller’s team was guilty of prosecutorial misconduct.
        After two years and millions of dollars, Mueller has not been able to find anything Trump did wrong.  This is amazing.  How many politicians, or even everyday citizens, could survive this kind of scrutiny? 
            Every totalitarian government has used this tactic to control political opponents.  “Show me the man, I’ll find the crime.”  I’m not sure who first said this, but Mao, Stalin, Hitler, and Castro all used the tactic.  How did we allow this to happen in the United States?                
        I wish everyone a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year.  My New Year wish is for a non-partisan government that actually does what is best for the American people and equal justice for all. 

“Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump.
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.”
Ava Armstrong

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Build the Wall

        If it is necessary to shut down the government to get the wall built, we need to shut down the government.  The only things that get shut down are non-essential services. 
        It is easy to understand why the political establishment is so against a government shut down.  They are afraid that the voting public will never notice a difference and realize that most of these non-essential services are really not needed and should be eliminated permanently.
        Many employees affected by a government shutdown are not really needed.  They get a free paid vacation because they always get all their back-pay when the government resumes.  If they are not working, they should not get paid. 
        Our federal government has grown, with little interruption, since Parle Harbor was bombed.  It has to stop.  We need a smaller federal government that deals with the few things the federal government is supposed to deal with, like border security.  
        One of Donald Trump’s major campaign issues was to build the wall.  That is one of the reasons he was elected.  Any politician who does not acknowledge this better be looking for their next career because the public is fed up with the Washington establishment. 
        Politicians have talked about immigration reform for over fifty years and all they have done is talk.  They have  never kept their promises.  Trump is unique because he does his best to keep his promises.
        Politicians have moved toward open borders and sanctuary cities for political and financial reasons.  They do not care about the criminals, drugs, and sex trafficking that is coming across our borders.  It is hard to believe these politicians can be so unethical and immoral. 
        Opponents to the wall say it will not be effective and not a good investment.  But, this is only from politicians.  Everyone actually involved with border security says it is an essential element of effective border security. Walls have proven beneficial everywhere they are built around the world. 
        It is interesting that most of these political opponents live in gated and walled communities with armed security.   They are safe and don’t care about the working peons of this country while they cry racism.  No racial connotation, I was just referring to the working people of this country.  But, opponents of the wall don’t care about the immigrants safety either.
        Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall.  He has already kept that promise.  By renegotiating NAFTA, Mexico will pay for the wall many times over.   
        It is impossible to rationally oppose the important factor a wall plays in protecting our southern border and controlling illegal immigration.  This is a choice between national security and a temporary, partial government shutdown.  It is a choice of the political elite vs. the working people of this great country.
        The real reason the Progressive left, RINOs and anti-Trumpers oppose the wall is because they don’t want to give Trump another win.  They would rather destroy the entire country than support our elected President.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.

“Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump.
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.”
Ava Armstrong

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

FISA Court Abuse

        FISA Court is an acronym for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court which was established in 1978.  The objective of the court is to approve warrants for the government to secretly use electronic surveillance on individuals considered to be a threat to national security.  The FISA court grants these warrants while guaranteeing the power is not misused and does not violate the rights of U.S. citizens which are guaranteed in the Constitution.
        Because of the secrecy requirement, it is a one-sided process.  The government asks for the warrant, but no one is representing the individual who is the subject of the surveillance.  This process puts a lot of faith in the government and the FISA judge.  
        The application asking for the surveillance is sworn to be accurate in every respect.  Any misinformation or misrepresentation in the application is a felony. 
        We now know the FISA Court approved warrants for surveillance on four US citizens based on the Trump Dossier.  Some were approved four times.  This is after the FBI knew the Trump Dossier was a total fabrication paid for by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign.  Based on confirmed facts, a minimum of six felonies were committed, and no one has been held accountable.
            Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, is in charge of the FISA Court judges.  Why has he not instructed the judges responsible for these warrants that were based on fraud, to call the offenders back to court?  The people who signed these fraudulent applications should be held accountable?  The Constitutional rights of these individuals were clearly violated while the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court was in charge and he has done nothing.  How can this be happening?  I hope the judges are not co-conspirators in this clear criminal abuse of power.
        James Comey testified before the House Judiciary Committee about this abuse of power by the FBI.  In one day he said he didn’t know 167 times, he didn’t remember 72, and didn’t recall 8 times.  Is a convenient memory loss perjury?  It should be when it is used like this. 
        Comey has such a fantastic memory that he can write a book and remember every word President Trump said, but he can’t remember the key aspects of his job 247 times in one day’s testimony.  Is he suffering from Alzheimer memory loss?  Should we feel sorry for him, or should we put him in jail?
        We have the most flagrant abuse of power by the FBI and the Department of Justice in the history of our country, and I am afraid no one will face any serious consequences or jail time.  How do we stop the corruption of the deep state?

“Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump.
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.”
Ava Armstrong

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Just Shut Up & Step Up

        Mazie Hirono is a U.S. senator from Hawaii.  She recently said that Democrats have trouble connecting because they are too smart.  They are too intellectual and fact based, and not emotional enough.  This statement is ridiculous. 
        This is the same woman that during the nomination hearings for Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court said, that men should “just shut up and step up. Do the right thing.”
        She said, “Not only do woman like Dr. Ford, who bravely comes forward, need to be heard, but they need to be believed.  They need to be believed.”  This is in spite of zero evidence or witness corroboration of Dr. Ford’s allegations.
        Hirono apparently thinks all women should be believed without question.  And, the accused is not presumed innocent and is not entitled the due process guaranteed in the Constitution.
        This is from the same political party that has used emotional division politics of race and sex for years to win elections.  As soon as the facts don’t support their agenda, they call the opposition racist or sexist.  To say they are too intellectual and fact based is hilarious.
        With liberal Democrats electing people like Mazie Hirono, Maxine Waters, Frederica Wilson, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez it is impossible to call Democrats too intellectual.  This is like saying President Trump is too restrained, always diplomatic, and always politically correct.   

 “Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump.
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.”
Ava Armstrong

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


        I am in favor of legal immigration.  In Barron County, Wisconsin we are looking for workers.  Thanks to a booming economy and job market, we are courting workers from other states and counties.  We are thankful for eight years of Governor Walker and two years of President Trump for this delightful problem.
        We are bringing in workers from places like Puerto Rico, Philippines, and Belize to name a few.  We want legal immigrants who want to work, want to learn our langrage, want to assimilate into our society, are drug free, and observe our laws.  Is that asking too much?
        This country currently has an immigration problem on our southern border.  I recently heard a lame-stream political commentator saying President Trump should have foreseen this.  Trump did see it coming.  He is the first President in more than 45 years that has actually tried to enforce the immigration laws and deal with the problem. 
        Donald Trump made immigration a major issue in the Presidential debates.  He promised to build a wall.  He knew our immigration laws were a disaster, and he also knew comprehensive immigration reform was not possible until we secured our borders.
        The failure of Congress and past Presidents to deal with illegal immigration has brought this problem to a crisis.  Trump has been criticized for dividing families and using tear gas for control, but Obama also did both and was never criticized.  Why do illegal immigrants knowingly break the law and put their families in danger?
        The liberal media said the caravans were a long way off and never would be a threat.  The liberal left said it was a political stunt by conservatives for the election.  The caravans are here and they are very real. 
        Who organized these caravans?  They obviously are not spontaneous.  Who is paying for the trucks, busses, and trains that transport them?  The people promoting these caravans have a globalist agenda and want open boarders.  These poor immigrants are being used by unscrupulous, unethical, and immoral people who are promoting these caravans.  They are deceiving immigrants for their personal gain.  It should be a crime.
        Illegal immigrants are coached to say they want amnesty.  For amnesty their life must be in danger.   Wanting a better life is not grounds for amnesty.  People wanting amnesty must ask for it in the first country they enter, but they don’t ask for it in Mexico.  Very few will qualify for amnesty.  They have been lied to for political reasons.
        The large percentage of the caravans consists of young males.  Woman and children are used for show and as shields.  Criminals have been identified in the caravan.  Illegal immigrants are a major part of the drug and sex trafficking crime in this country.
        The crime rate of LEGAL immigrants is lower than the general population, but the crime rate of ILLEGAL immigrants is much higher than the general population.  Don’t let liberal open border advocates confuse the facts. 
        I have to mention race.  It is not a consideration.  Race is only brought up when the facts don’t support the liberal agenda.

 “Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump.
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.”
Ava Armstrong

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.