Tuesday, November 30, 2021

BLM Scam

Black Lives matter has pulled off one of the best scams in decades.  BLM has zero interest in actually protecting black lives.  If they did they would be working in places like Chicago’s south side where the shooting and killing of blacks is commonplace.

BLM leaders biggest goal is making money.   Bernie Madoff had a great Ponzi scheme, and he would have been proud of BLM’s achievements.  They talk about white cops killing unarmed blacks.  Yes, this happens because we don’t live in a perfect world, but it is to deserve the overblown attention it receivees from the lame-stream media. 

Anyone who has gone to BLM’s website can see their primary objective is destroying the country in order to allow  Marxism to take over.  

The scam was quite simple.  Promote a simple lie to the gullible WOKE movement.  It was genius.  A lot of people with good intentions and poor information were taken in by BLM’s con.  Corporations also  funded BLM.  They ignored the factsand were swayed by perceived public opinion. Many  are globalists who want a Marxist world economy. 

Kyle Rittenhouse was a 17 year-old boy trying to help protect private property from a BLM mob that was trying destroy and burn the town.  If politicians and law enforcement had done their job, there would have been no reason for Kyle to have been there.

There also was zero justification for the BLM demonstration.  An armed black criminal resisted arrest, and threatened police officers.  He was justifiably shot.

Rittenhouse was held in jail for months and charged with murder.  There were multiple recordings of the incident and it was clearly a case of self-defense.  He never should have been arrested or charged.  The Left tried to make this about race and it had nothing to do with race.  The legal charges were clearly Prosecutorial misconduct.  Some people need to lose their law licenses.

The riots in Kenosha were organized by BLM with the intent of destroying property.  This clearly qualifies as domestic terrorism.

Rittenhouse was attacked by four men in the riot.  He shot three, killing two.  The interesting thing is all four men were white and convicted felons.  One had been convicted of raping several adolescent boys. 

Black Lives Matter hire and recruit individuals that are then transported to riots.  Were these four criminals hired by BLM?  Is being a convicted felon a job requirement to work for BLM?  Are people supporting BLM actually supporting felons and child rapists or are they just naive?

ALL lives matter.   



Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Draining the DC Sewer

        How do we reduce and eliminate the corrupt and inefficient DC establishment that does not put America first?  It took seventy years to grow this monstrosity and we will not be able to change it overnight.  Where do we start?

        First, and most important, is that we must have free and fair elections.  All is lost If we can’t do that. 

        The second thing is getting involved in who we send to DC to represent us.  This is the true root of the problem.  We must be active and informed in the primaries. 

        People who only vote in the national elections are what politicians call Useful Idiots.  These people are easily bought and manipulated with media advertising, or vote a straight  Party ticket. 

        For decades it did not mater if you voted Democrat or Republican for President, the Senate, or the House of Representatives.  They were all establishment candidates.  Some were worse than others. 

        Donald Trump was the only anti-establishment candidate.  It is no wonder the establishment from both parties and appointed bureaucrats hated him with such passion.   He was threatening their very existence.

        Both Democrats and Republicans are pro Washington establishment now, but we have a better chance of getting anti-establishment candidates in the Republican Party.  The Democratic Party has let the radical left take over the Party.  If you are a Democrat, I hope you can do your part to make the change to have your Party represent the American people. 

        We know 75% of all DC agencies are illegal under the Constitution and the 10th Amendment, but it will take time to eliminate them.  If they were eliminated tomorrow, the unemployment created could trash the entire economy.  There needs to be a hiring freeze and early retirement options.

        Some of these agencies are not only corrupt and immoral, but they are destroying people’s lives.  The Center for Disease Control and Prevention is a great example.  At this point we know they have been lying to us about the COVID virus, masks, and vaccines from the beginning. 

        Their objective for months has been to sell the vaccines and make the oligarchs money.  Pushing vaccines on people that have had COVID and have natural immunity has no benefit and can threaten or cost people their lives.  I am an example.

        Since the DC establishment controls the money, they can and do force state, county, and city officials to perpetuate their lies.  These lies to the American People are unethical, immoral, and corrupt.  They are a crime.

        One thing we can do at the local level is our school board elections.  They are local and we can elect people who will not allow teaching racism, pedophilia, or hate for our great country. 

        According to the Constitution, the federal government should have nothing to do with education.   The argument has been made that federal control is good to create standardization.  The fact is it creates mediocracy, but it gives the DC establishment power.

        The Department of Education is illegal, inefficient, and a terrible investment.  They waste ¾ of every dollar in their budget, but it will take a while to eliminate the DOE.

        There is a lot of work to do.  People must get informed and be active.  Apathy could turn the United States of America into a Marxist country if the DC establishment continues to grow in power. 


Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The DC Sewer

         The Washington DC establishment has is totally out of control.  DC is oblivious to what is happening in the rest of the country, and does not care about the American people.  The elected officials and unelected bureaucrats only care about expanding their power.

        The number one concern of our Founding Fathers was a Federal government that would become a tyrannical autocracy.  That is why Thomas Jefferson and James Madison carefully and clearly wrote the Tenth Amendment as follows:


The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.


        That is very clear.  It has never been repealed, and it has been totally ignored by our elected representatives and appointed bureaucrats for over seventy years.  The authority of the Federal Government is restricted to defense, immigration, interstate commerce, foreign trade, inland waterways, and interstate transportation.

        Thomas Jefferson said, “A wise and good government shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.”  A Federal Income tax was unconstitutional, until   Woodward Wilson started our current political disaster in 1913 with the Sixteenth Amendment.

        The growth of the DC establishment has been so gradual that most Americans never saw the danger.  FDR made a big step with his New Deal.  JBJ enslaved minorities to a life without hope or a nuclear family with his War on Poverty. 

        Obama did his best to expand the DC Deep State, politicize the intelligence agencies, and divide the country on race.  Biden has totally gone off the deep end with the Marxist Left.

        Now, Washington controls every state, county, city, town, and American because they control the money.  Unfunded mandates are normal and everyone better fall in line, or money and grants will be pulled from other programs. 

        Don’t get me wrong.  The Republicans are just as guilty as the Democrats.  They are just not as blatantly obvious. Many Republican sins are just lack of action. 

        Democrats promoted and condoned the domestic terrorism of BLM and ANTIFA while Republicans did nothing.  Republicans failed to stand up for peaceful Trump supporters from January 6th while they are being held in solitary confinement conditions worse than prisoners in Guantanamo Bay Cuba without bail or being charged. This lack of action is a discussing and immoral response by Republicans.

        President Trump tried to drain the swamp, but he could not take on the establishment alone.  It was amazing what he was able to accomplish. 

        The Washington establishment has grown to a corrupt and wasteful behemoth that is totally out of control.  If we followed the Constitution and the Tenth Amendment, 75% of the agencies in Washington would be eliminated immediately.  And 50% of the employees in the remaining agencies would be fired immediately.

        This is not going to happen overnight, but next week, I will talk about what we can do.



Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Dumb & Dumber

 Democrats just got their ass whipped six ways to Sunday.  It is unbelievable how badly they got beat in states that were supposedly solid Democrat. 

You would think any moron would have gotten the message from the American people, but the Washington DC Democratic leadership says they are pushing ahead with their Marxist, left-wing agenda.  Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels in the 1994 film Dumb and Dumber can’t hold a candle to the Democrats in Washington. 

The American people have had enough.  They know they can’t believe anything from Washington or the lame-stream media.  People are sick of all the WOKE movement, political correctness, cancel culture, BLM, and ANTIFA bull s---.  People took it for a while, hoping it would blow over and go away, but it got worse.

The Left went too far when they started teaching the radical racism of Critical Race Theory to the school kids,  Ignoring biology, and science by teaching radical ideas of gender and pornography was not acceptable to parents either.

Speaker Pelosi says it is all about the children while using children as political pawns.  They promote sex trafficking with the open boarder.  Their welfare policy destroys the nuclear family, and kids go without a father.  They pass massive spending bills that will take many generations to pay off. 

The American people have reached their limit.  I know many good people who claim to be Democrats.  Are they ever going to get the message and take their Party back from the radical Left?


Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com


Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Who am I?

Who am I politically?  Most people reading this blog assume I am a Republican.  It is true that I do vote  Republican most of the time, but I consider myself an Independent.  The Democrats just no longer represent the American people.  They are too far left and only represent the rich oligarchy.

I am a Constitutionalist.  I believe in the Constitution.  Neither Democrats or Republicans follow the Constitution and its Amendments unless it fits their political agenda. 

The Constitution and the 10th Amendment clearly prohibit the Federal government from growing to its present size.  Both parties totally ignore this.

I believe in the rule of law.  Democrats no longer do.  They reduce and demean police while building walls around their private residences.         I believe a sovereign nation with secure borders.  Biden is in clear violation of our immigration laws.  President Biden openly ignores our laws.  He even ignores recent Supreme Court rulings.

I am a Libertarian.  I believe people need freedom and must take responsibility for their actions.

I am not a globalist.  I put America first.  That is the only way we can be strong and still be a world leader.

I vote Republican most of the time because this is the least of the evils.  It is a pretty sad state of affairs.

Some concerned citizens are so upset with the direction our country is headed that they are considering forming a third party.  This would be stupid on the national level because it would guarantee a Democratic one-party government for decades.  Work within your party to get candidates that represent the American people and not the DC sewer.

Both major political parties are clearly in favor of the Washington DC establishment.  There are a few exceptions in both parties like Democrat Tulsi Gabberd.

President Donald Trump was the only person that fought for everything I believe in, and tried to drain the swamp.  I understand why the establishment in both parties did everything legal and illegal to destroy him. 

We must put America First and end the DC establishment.


Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com