Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Train Rape

I saw a news story where an illegal alien raped a woman on a Philadelphia train.  What happened to law and order in the country? 

Riots, arson, and murder are condoned on the streets by domestic terrorists like BLM and ANTIFA who are trying to destroy the country.  The lame-stream media call it mostly peaceful and condones the violence.

In spite of the growing lawlessness in our streets, the Democrats talk of defunding the police and releasing people charged with felonies with no bail.  Leftist prosecutors refuse to prosecute many criminals.  The rule of law may be something we have to read about in history books, but the Marxists would rewrite history too.

The illegal alien who raped the woman on the train had been arrested for three prior crimes, including sex crimes, and he was still on the street.  He should have been in jail or deported for any one of these. 

Our border is open to all, including criminals, drug runners, and human traffickers. How long until none of us are safe?

This is all bad, but the most disgusting thing about the rape is that the other passengers did nothing.  This rape continued for 40 minutes and 27 train stops, and not one person even called 911.  Some did record the rape with their phones.  These people be charged as accessories to rape.

I am a 77 year old man with breathing problems, but I would never stand by and not try to stop a rape.  What is this country coming to? 

Everyone who witnessed this crime and did nothing should be ostracized from society.  Crime is so commonplace that it is ignored, but a conservative can lose his/her job for supporting President Trump. 

We are letting a small minority of WOKE people and the media (including social media) run this country.  The silent majority has to stand up and be heard.


Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

20 Greatest Threats

         On July 7, 2020, I posted “Our Country’s 20 Greatest Threats.”  I now have to change the list.  Joe Biden’s fraudulent election to President has changed everything.  Here is my new list in order of the most critical threats.

1.   Election Fraud – If we can’t achieve fair and honest elections, nothing else maters.

 2.   A lying media selling the Left’s propaganda – Many intelligent people don’t know the facts. 

 3.   Political apathy – The United States has been the leader of the free world for over 100 years and people don’t recognize that this could change.

 4.   Lose of freedom of speech – Banning Conservative speech and so-called hate speech. 

5.   Open boarders & sanctuary cities – We can’t be a sovereign nation without boarders.

 6.   Marxism – This is the ultimate end goal of the Left.

 7.   Corrupt Washington politicians, bureaucrats, and the Deep State

 8.   Growing government & government debt – This was one of the             greatest fears of our founding fathers.

 9.   The Ruling Class - Oligarchs & big money controlling our                      government

 10.   The radical left changing or eliminating the Constitution,                        Government Checks & Balances, the Electoral College, and                 using impeachment for political reasons.

 11.    Race and sex used to divide the country for political power.

 12.   Control of schools by radical left – 90% are teaching Marxist                propaganda and not the 3 R’s, history, or civics.

 13.   Decline of law and order with movement to defund police, ICE,           and border patrol.

 14.   Double standard for Rule of Law – No one should be above                the law.  The Democrat elite are immune from    prosecution at              this time.

 15.   Political correctness – All words have meaning & none should               be banned.  Hurt feelings are part of life and   growing up.

 16.   Rising health care costs created by insurance companies,                    government control, and using the virus for political purposes

 17.   Globalism - Unfair trade policies, deficit trade balances, weapons        industry, drugs trade, money laundering, and lost control of                   medical & military supplies to China.

 18.  Loss of Second Amendment rights – This has nothing to do with            hunting.  Taking guns away is an essential part of the Marxist               agenda.

19.    Religious freedoms of Christians being taken away.

20.     War with Islam – This is a centuries old religious war to convert           the world Islam and Sharia law. 

21.         COVID-19 or some other virus

22.         Nuclear war

         I listed 22 threats because I did not want to give the impression that I forgot about the Wuhan virus or nuclear war which still do not make my top 20 dangers. 



Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

FBI Most Wanted

         Last week I watched an episode of FBI Most Wanted.  I almost stopped and deleted it in the first five minutes because of the blatant lies about the demonstration at the Capital January 6, 2021, but decided to continue and see how bad it was. 

        These drama programs always give a disclaimer that it is not about any real events or people in order to cover their ass.  This is ridiculous because it is obviously taken directly from the news and presented in a way to advance a political agenda. 

        The program presented the demonstration at the Capital as an organized event by white supremacists who were domestic terrorists.  The actual videos show the demonstrators were unarmed and peaceful.  No mention was made of the unarmed, white, female veteran who was murdered without provocation by a black Capital Policeman.

        It was not just the events of January 6 that were misrepresented.  The FBI was portrayed as moral, ethical, and non political.  What a joke.  There were so many FBI agents in the Capital that day that they were arresting each other as some of them promoted violence.  Since that time, the FBI has arrested and jailed many people who were in DC on that day for purely political reasons.  These people were simply objecting to a fraudulent and stolen election.  No actual crimes other than possibly trespassing were committed.

        The show also referred to Red states (Republican) as being domestic terrorists.  I am sick of the entertainment industry repeating the lies against President Trump and the lies to cover-up all the disasters the Biden administration has caused. 

        I do know that I will never watch another episode of FBI Most Wanted.  The lies have to stop.   


Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

The Left and Science

       I have to laugh when I hear Democrats and the lame-stream media say “Follow the science.”  Don’t kid yourself.  They don’t give a hoot about the science.  It is all about power and money. 

        Last week the actual scientists with the Federal Food and Drug Administration voted 16 to 2 NOT to approve the Pfizer vaccine booster shot.  But, they were then overruled by a political appointee with zero scientific knowledge.  It is now recommended for seniors.  Pfizer and their investors needed to make a few more billions.  They don’t care if some people die or ruin their health needlessly.

        The push for vaccines ignores the obvious science that shows people who have had COVID and recovered have a natural immunity far in excess of what the vaccine gives and does not expire like the vaccines.  They ignore this actual science because it does not fit their political agenda. 


I strongly recommend that:

         1. No one who has had COVID get the shot.

     2. If you are not sure if you had COVID, or it has been a                       long time since you were infected, get tested to see if                          you are immune before getting the shot. 

        3. No one under 30 should get the vaccine shot.


        I had COVID and got both vaccine shots about four months after having the virus.  Because of the vaccine, I have what they call delayed recurring reactions. I didn’t know any better at the time.  I now have permanent damage to my lungs.  The CDC knows better now.

        The Biden administration does not care about the health and well-being of the American people.  We are just pawns to be used to increase their power and take away our freedoms. They push the vaccine on people where the dangers far out weigh the benefits.  There is zero benefit for people with natural immunity to get the shot. 

        Biden wants to fire people who do not get the vaccine while having open boarders with no requirements for illegal immigrants or refugees getting vaccine shots.  They also withhold proven treatment options for the virus.  None of it is supported by science.

        COVID was a new pandemic and we were in a learning curve which is some excuse for the bad recommendations.  This was only an excuse until it became all about politics, power, and money.

        It is too bad we can’t believe anything that comes out of the White House, the CDC, or the FDA anymore.  Biden puts illegal immigrants and refugees before the health and well being of the American people.  I miss President Trump and putting America first.



Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com