Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Who am I?

Who am I politically?  Most people reading this blog assume I am a Republican.  It is true that I do vote  Republican most of the time, but I consider myself an Independent.  The Democrats just no longer represent the American people.  They are too far left and only represent the rich oligarchy.

I am a Constitutionalist.  I believe in the Constitution.  Neither Democrats or Republicans follow the Constitution and its Amendments unless it fits their political agenda. 

The Constitution and the 10th Amendment clearly prohibit the Federal government from growing to its present size.  Both parties totally ignore this.

I believe in the rule of law.  Democrats no longer do.  They reduce and demean police while building walls around their private residences.         I believe a sovereign nation with secure borders.  Biden is in clear violation of our immigration laws.  President Biden openly ignores our laws.  He even ignores recent Supreme Court rulings.

I am a Libertarian.  I believe people need freedom and must take responsibility for their actions.

I am not a globalist.  I put America first.  That is the only way we can be strong and still be a world leader.

I vote Republican most of the time because this is the least of the evils.  It is a pretty sad state of affairs.

Some concerned citizens are so upset with the direction our country is headed that they are considering forming a third party.  This would be stupid on the national level because it would guarantee a Democratic one-party government for decades.  Work within your party to get candidates that represent the American people and not the DC sewer.

Both major political parties are clearly in favor of the Washington DC establishment.  There are a few exceptions in both parties like Democrat Tulsi Gabberd.

President Donald Trump was the only person that fought for everything I believe in, and tried to drain the swamp.  I understand why the establishment in both parties did everything legal and illegal to destroy him. 

We must put America First and end the DC establishment.


Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com

1 comment:

  1. No Terry, the only thing you are is an idiot.
