This is an interesting idea. The Affordable Care Act is the crowning achievement of the Obama Presidency and it seems to be a total disaster. How is this possible?
The web site does not work inspite of an almost unlimited budget and more than enough expertise available to roll it out in a much shorter time than the government had to work with. I saw one comparison showing how we won World War II in less time than the government had to get the website functional.
The Affordable Care Act is 2,400 pages of legalese that no one seems to have read. It is so complex that I probable could not understand it or comprehend it if I did read it. Maybe Nancy Pelosi was right when she said, “We have to pass it to find out what is in it.”
I could never understand how the unions backed it, but they have been granted exceptions. I never understood why some insurance executives supported it, but now we know they were promised bailouts if claims were too high. The political elite is also excluded. The rich are not affected. It seems like only the working middle class is affected.
We were promised we could keep our medical insurance if we liked it. We were promised we could keep our Doctors. We were promised lower medical insurance premiums. People with medical insurance through their work thought they would not be affected. We now know all that was not true. Were the people making these claims misinformed, incompetent or just lying? It’s just politics, so who cares?
In order for Obama Care to work, a lot of young healthy people that do not have medical insurance must sign up with higher premiums than they would have had prior to the implementation of the law. This is further complicated by the fact that the law allows kids to be covered under their parent’s policy to age 26. The numbers don’t work. They can’t work. Some right wing nuts have been saying this for years. I am proud to be one of those nuts.
Forget the web site for a minute. What is going to happen with Obama Care? We already know many people will lose their medical insurance. Some will have to change Doctors. Some will lose their jobs or have their hours cut to part-time.
More people will sign up for Medicaid. Some people will receive subsidies from the government to pay for their medical insurance. Unfortunately, they will still not be able to afford the deductibles. The cost for the government will continue to escalate.
More government departments will be created and more employees will be hired. Eventually, Affordable Care will grow to the point it will be more efficient to go to a Single Payer. This is what the Progressives wanted all along, but they knew they could never get there in one step. Is Obama Care just one of the steps? Did the political elite know it could never work?