Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Fondas

         What is wrong with Jane and Peter Fonda?  These people are demented.  Their hatred for people with different political ideas is not rational. 
        Jane Fonda went to North Vietnam, colluded with the enemy, and caused American prisoners to be tortured and killed.  This is fact, not some witch hunt like the left is trying to do with President Trump.  Jane Fonda should have been tried for treason, as she committed a capital offense. 
        This week Peter Fonda tweeted that President Trump’s 12-year-old son should be “ripped” from his mother’s arms and locked in a cage with a pedophile.  Fonda later apologized and said it was “inappropriate and vulgar.”  His words were more than inappropriate and vulgar.  They could  have been a crime. 
        Many in the liberal left liked and shared the tweet.  Why do we continue to allow this kind of language and action by the liberal left?  They call Trump supporters deplorable and Nazis.  If a conservative said anything close to this, the media would be screaming for his or her head.  
       The right thinks the left is wrong, but the left thinks the right is evil.  This has become irrational and has to stop.  People can't hate Trump because their candidate lost.  He is and will be our President, and is deserving of respect.     
        Trump’s actions show he is not racist, but the left tries to twist everything he says to imply that he is one.  I find this kind of partisan politics disgusting. 
        The Democratic Party has to stop letting the radical liberal left control the Party or there may not be a Democratic Party in the future.  That would be harmful because we need two political parties. 
        The Democrats have no platform except the anti-Trump agenda.  They are no longer representing the people of this country. 
        History shows there should be a blue (Democrat) wave with this fall’s midterm election.  I don’t think that is going to happen.  The working people of this country have had enough of party politics, the radical left, the deep state, and the political elite.  They will vote for candidates who support President Trump.  When this happens, Congress will be irrelevant because of the Senate 60% filibuster rule.  After that rule is changed and the Democratic Party continues to be an anti-Trump obstructionist Party, they may be finished.

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again. 

Business Fits is available on Amazon as an eBook and a paperback.  

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Photo Op

        Trump haters say Trump giving a photograph opportunity with a U.S. President to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was too much.  They say this gave Kim Jong-un credibility.  As a nuclear power, Kim Jong-un already had credibility so Trump didn’t give him credibility. 
        The summit will result in the complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.  This is a huge step toward world peace.  It is more than any world leader has accomplished in over 60 years since the Korean conflict ceasefire.    Traditional diplomacy obviously has not worked. 
        What has Trump already accomplished and what has he given away?  North Korean missile tests have stopped and some sites have been dismantled.  Trump did not pay Kim Jong-un a dime, unlike President Clinton’s payments to North Korea or President Obama’s $1.8 billion to Iran.  Neither produced the desired results.  Iran used some of the money to fund terrorist and continued on the path to become a nuclear power. 
        Trump has not even lifted any trade sanctions with North Korea and has made it clear they will not be lifted until after complete denuclearization.  He has given North Korea nothing except an opportunity for a better life and avoiding a nuclear war. 
        Trump has arranged for Americans held prisoner in North Korea to return home and he did not release any terrorists like President Obama did.   He has also asked for the remains of American servicemen killed during the Korean conflict to be returned home.  Why has this never happened before? 
        It seems that all Trump gave Kim Jong-un was a photo op.  If that’s all it takes to achieve denuclearization and stopping terrorists, Trump should schedule photo ops with every evil leader in the world.  Obviously, the solutions are not that simple, but no one seems to have made a lot of progress prior to President Trump.
        Some liberals criticize Trump for meeting with Kim Jong-un because of his terrible human rights history.  Would they rather have a nuclear war or denuclearize Korea first and address human rights later.  That is the choice.  How stupid are they?  Trump just keeps winning and the left is getting more and more desperate.  They have no agenda except to oppose Trump.
        It has been more than 60 years since the Korean conflict and relationships with North Korea were bungled so badly by all world leaders including American Presidents from both parties.  We were on the brink of a nuclear war that could have meant 30 million dead.  Traditional diplomacy with all its innuendos and political correctness had failed miserably. 
        Thank God that has changed.  Thank you President Trump.  I am so grateful to have a real leader for a President.  When Donald Trump was elected President, many people felt foreign affairs would be his weakness.  It appears he doesn’t have any weaknesses.  President Trump has emerged as the clear world leader.

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again. 

Business Fits is available on Amazon as an eBook and a paperback. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Deep State SOP

        When I was inducted into the U.S. Army, the guy at the reception station suggested I request a MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) in personnel.   He said having accesses to my personnel records would give me some control and power.  The Deep State must also be able to control the records and especially the records of law enforcement and intelligence. 
        The Deep State’s objective is power, control, and money.  Their strategy is to achieve these goals by any means possible.  This includes rewarding and threatening participants. 
        What is the Standard Operating Procedure for the Deep State?  Activities include making deals involving many illegal activities including drugs and weapons to produce the money needed to fund operations. 
        Some Deep State individuals try to justify their illegal activities by convincing themselves they are doing it for the greater good of the country.  This is a lot of bull.  It is always about money and power.
        Since many of the Deep State activities are illegal, it is essential they control the top leadership of the country’s law enforcement and intelligence agencies including the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and politically motivated special prosecutors. 
        The only problem with the plan is that the Constitution gives Congress oversight of these agencies, and not all members of the House and Senate can be bought.  The best the Deep State can do is lie, stall, ignore subpoenas, and ignore being held in Contempt of Congress.  They hide, destroy, and sanitize evidence with blatant disregard of Congress and the Constitution.  They try to redact important information by saying it is in the interest of national security when the only purpose is to cover their lies and crimes. 
        We are currently exposing the worst case of Deep State government corruption this country has ever experienced.  Our Constitution and freedoms are at stake.  The only people defending this corruption are those who feel they are part of the political elite and those who can benefit from these crimes, or are guilty of these crimes.
        Every loyal American regardless of political party or who they work for should be outraged and doing everything possible to see that people are held accountable and go to jail so this never happens again.  The strength of this great republic is dependant on stopping this political corruption.

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again. 


Business Fits is available on Amazon as an eBook and a paperback. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Banks vs. Venture Capitalists

        In my book, Business Fits, I have a chapter called “Myths About Starting a Business.”  One of the myths is “Banks Make Business Loans.” 
        I have had potential clients say they need help writing their business plan so they can go to the bank and get a business loan.  They are under the misconception that a bank will make a business loan if the business plan is good enough.  Banks do not make loans based on a business plan. 
        Banks make loans that are secured by assets to people with good credit ratings.  The only reason a bank asks for a business plan is to show you have given it some thought. 
        Often it is easier to get a second mortgage on a home in order to start a business than it is to get a business loan.  I once heard a woman say she wanted to get a business loan because she didn’t want to risk losing her home if the business failed.  The bank would want the home or some other asset for security anyway.  Why would the bank want to make the loan if the woman was not willing to assume risk?
        Banks are in the business of loaning money.  They are not in the business of taking speculative risks.  If you are going to a bank with a business plan to get money, you better be to pitching the banker you are meeting with to be an investor personally.  The chances of that happening are much better than obtaining a bank loan.
        Unlike banks, venture capitalists do make investments in companies that are not secured by assets if they feel the potential return is large enough.  If you have ever watched the TV show Shark Tank, the sharks often question if the considered business has enough growth potential.  They are looking to invest in businesses that can grow and give them a good return on their investment. 
        Venture capitalists look for investments in businesses that have some track record.  They seldom are interested in true start-ups.  A venture capitalist may invest in ten businesses in order to find the one that will make it big. 
        A venture capitalist is looking for ownership in the business and not just interest on a loan.  He may want controlling interest in the business in order to protect his investment.  This means the entrepreneur is giving up control of his or her dream.  
        If you are looking for capital for an entrepreneurial venture and a bank or venture capitalist is not right for you, you should consider more innovative financing options.  In Business Fits, I explain how banks make loans based on asset equity and credit scores.  I also discuss venture capitalists and creative financing ideas.  I once bought a Ford-Mercury dealership with $1,000 cash and $1,000 equity in a car.  It is possible.
        Business Fits is available on Amazon as an eBook and a paperback. 

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again. 