Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Establishment vs. People

        Our political climate has reached a dangerous level.  Congress is not doing their job.  Trump won the election and beat the establishment because the people of this great country were fed-up with Washington.  Winning was Trump’s only crime, and the establishment still can’t accept it.  
        The Washington establishment is the problem.  It is not just Democrats or Republicans.  Both are at fault, but the extreme left of the Democratic Party has gone off the deep end. 
        Paul Ryan did as much damage to the country as Speaker of the House as Speaker Nancy Pelosi is doing.  I almost feel sorry for Pelosi.  She is in a tight spot.  She can’t maintain control of both the old party line Democrats and the new radical left.  There was a time when she could buy votes in the House with earmarks and other political favors.  She could actually get something done.  That is no longer the case with the radical left. 
        The push to impeach President Trump is also a problem, because Pelosi knows that would cause Democrats to lose the House in 2020.  No one is going to beat Trump in 2020.  He has done too much for the American people. 
        Impeachment talk is crazy anyway.  Trump had to have done something wrong to be impeached.  He has been investigated more than anyone in history.  He has been the target of four investigations and they found nothing wrong.
        Pelosi said Trump is guilty of a cover-up.  What did he cover up?  He did nothing wrong.  President Trump is without question the most transparent President in my lifetime.  He cooperated with Mueller.  He did not claim Executive Privilege and told his family and staff to testify truthfully.  This is totally unprecedented.
        With Trump declassifying more documents, the Democratic establishment is in a panic.  They are afraid the real crimes they committed against candidate Trump and President Trump will be exposed.  Some Hillary supporters and the prior administration may be held accountable.
        Democrats and the lame-stream media have told so many lies about President Trump that is hard to keep up, but the Democratic talking points and the media are always in total sync.  Do they ever admit their mistakes and lies when they are proven wrong?  No, they just work on a new lie and double down. 
        The Mueller investigation was a big disappointment for the Democrats.  It was a rigged investigation made up of Hillary Clinton supporters and they still couldn’t find or manufacture any evidence that Trump did anything wrong. 
        Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters, Jerry Nadler, and Elijah Cummings have worked themselves into a box.  Now they want a re-do on the Mueller investigation in the House with total disregard for the Constitution. 
        Adam Schiff has been saying for over a year that he has seen hard evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians.  Where is it?  Is he keeping it hidden or is he lying?  I think any rational person knows the answer to that question.
        Nancy Pelosi says she prays for Trump and hopes someone will do an intervention.  I pray for Trump too.  I pray he can continue the great work and hopefully get a Congress that will do their job in the future.  Several people need an intervention, but it is not President Trump.
 “Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump.
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.”
Ava Armstrong

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


        The SAT is a standardized test used for college admissions.  The SAT was introduced in 1926 and is owned by the College Board.  Development of the test has continued, and the name and scoring have changed several times since 1926.  The original name was Scholastic Aptitude Test, changed to Scholastic Assessment Test, then SATI Reasoning Test, then SAT Reasoning Test, and finally, SAT.  The College Board is a private non-profit organization and the tests are administered by the Educational Testing Service. 
        I understand why a standardized test is needed, because high school grades have little meaning today.  Some high schools graduate over 40% straight A students.  When I went to high school there were practically no straight A students, because it was hard to earn an A.  Now a straight A student only means they are above average. 
            SAT is now proposing deviating from a non-biased standardized test by adding Adversity Scores.  This will give an advantage to students applying to collage that come from poor or gang invested neighborhoods.  This may sound nice on the surface, but it means kids from good homes in nice ZIP Codes will be penalized. 
        I think of a couple of my sons who have children in elementary and middle school.  Both these young men have worked hard to provide nice homes for their families in safe and attractive neighborhoods.  Why should their children be penalized for this? They are being discriminated against because kids from ZIP codes are given an advantage.
        Colleges already have quotas based on race, sex, and religion.  They use the excuse of promoting diversity.  It is not diversity.  It is discrimination.
        Government has implemented affirmative action hiring quotas which are clearly discriminatoty.  This political agenda is an attempt to rectify past transgressions, and most importantly, win votes.  What happened to the right to hire the most qualified person?
        What happened to “All men are created equal”?  When are colleges and government going to stop penalizing the hard working middle class? 
        I am so thankful that we now have a President that represents ALL American citizens equally.

“Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump.
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.”
Ava Armstrong

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Contested Convention

        The 2020 Democratic National convention will be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in July.  Could this be a contested convention?  A contested convention is one where no one receives a majority on the first ballot.  That would be interesting. 
        At this time there are a lot of very weak candidates and it is possible that none will emerge as a clear choice.  There is also a division within the Democratic Party between the extreme left and the establishment.

There are four types of delegates to the convention:
·       District level delegates and alternates
·       Pledged party leaders and elected officials
·       At-large delegates and alternates
·       Automatic party leader and elected official delegates.
        Some delegates are initially pledged to vote for a specific Presidential candidate as directed by the voters of their state.  Super delegates are unpledged delegates that can vote for whoever they want.  You may remember that Bernie Sanders had no chance of getting the nomination in 2016 because the super delegates were committed to the establishment candidate, Hilary Clinton.
        Super delegates will not vote in the 2020 first ballot.  If no Presidential candidate receives a majority on the first ballot, the super delegates will vote in the second ballot.  If no candidate receives a majority on the second ballot, political deals are made to win the super delegates’ votes. 
        Super delegates usually vote for an establishment candidate.  That leaves out everyone currently in the race except Joe Biden. 
        Hillary Clinton said she would like to be President, but did not want to campaign.  She has money and is an establishment politician.  Could she declare her candidacy at the last minute and hope to be a dark horse, nominated with the help of the super delegates in a contested convention?  That is a thought provoking scenario to consider.

“Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump.
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.”
Ava Armstrong

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

        “Liar, liar, pants on fire” was a common statement when I was a kid.  I was taught to tell the truth from a very young age.  My dad always said a person’s word was their bond. 
        When I was in kindergarten, I got home one day before my mother did.  When she arrived home she found me lighting stick matches and throwing them down what I thought were snake holes.  Mom and Dad were afraid I would burn down the farmstead so they tried to get me to promise I wouldn’t do it any more.  I would not promise, because I thought I might want to and I would not lie.  I would take whatever punishment first. 
        I still have little respect for people who lie.  I am not even comfortable with white lies.  I had a boss once who said he couldn’t lie because he wasn’t smart enough to remember who he told what lie.  I must not be too smart either.
        This country has gotten to the point that we don’t expect politicians to keep their promises.  The left and the lame-stream media has taken this to extremes.
        I hear people say President Trump lies about everything.  When asked what he lies about, the response is always that he lies about everything.  They can never even state one fact he lied about.  CNN and MSNBC said Trump lied with no facts when he said his campaign was spied on.    Now the facts clearly show that was true.  The only question is if the spying was justified and legal.
        Trump is doing everything in his power to keep his campaign promises.   When was the last time a President did that?  The biggest liars are the people calling Trump a liar.
        The Democrats’ pants are on fire.  This got totally out of control starting with Obama Care.  “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” was always a clear lie.  The lies got more blatant as the years went by.         The lies to the FISA Court to obtain surveillance warrants are obviosly criminal.  The whole Russia hoax is a lie, and some Democrats with CNN and MSNBC are still trying to perpetuate the hoax.  Trump did NOTHING wrong.
        When I hear Democrats interrogate good, honest people like Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh and Attorney General Barr, I am appalled.  Their lies are so blatant, it is embarrassing.  Hearing CNN and MSNBC attempt to discredit someone like William Barr is almost funny.  It is no wonder their ratings are in the toilet.  I hope most American people are not gullible or stupid and are able to see the left’s lies.
        Democrats have to discredit Attorney General Barr because some unelected establishment bureaucrats are looking at jail time if the truth comes out.  They are scared that they will be held accountable for their lies and crimes.  If this happens, it will be interesting to see how CNN and MSNBC will spin it.
        I do worry about the Democratic Party.  They seem to have nothing left except their lies and the Trump derangement syndrome.  They have no platform.  They have no way to compete with Trump’s successes.  All the Democratic Presidential candidates are weak.  I can understand why a solid potential candidate would not want to try to run against Trump.
        The left seems to have nothing left but lies.  The facts do not support any of their past or present claims to put down President Trump.

“Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump.
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.”
Ava Armstrong

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.