I just finished reading Radicals, Resistance and Revenge, The Left’s Plot to remake America by Judge Jeanine Pirro. I highly recommend it. I would also recommend her Saturday night TV
show on the FOX News channel. It is the
number one weekend cable show.
Jeanine gives some interesting facts on socialism, essentially the “Democratic
Socialism” the left pushes. There is no
difference. Both put government in
control of your lives by taking away your freedoms and your opportunity to
improve your life with hard work.
think everyone recognizes the disaster socialism has been in Russia , China , and Cuba , but many people praised the system
in Venezuela .
Now we now are able to see how socialism has turned Venezuela from one of the riches countries in
the world into a pit of despair in one decade.
the left points to the Scandinavian countries as an example of “Democratic
Socialism.” How is it really working
there? Judge Jeanine gives some interesting
facts. Denmark ’s top income tax is 55.8%. Ouch. Denmark also has a 25% Value Added Tax
(VAT). A VAT is a federal sales
tax. These ridiculous taxes are necessary
in order to pay for all the FREE stuff.
Scandinavian social system would have collapsed the countries if they had not
become capitalistic to pay for the free stuff.
Most of their business regulations are more lenient that in the United States .
Jeanine also addresses how the left is attacking our freedom of speech.
The Ten Commandments are now
inappropriate for younger audiences. Of
course they are! There’re part of the foundation of Western Civilization, which
the left despises and wants to destroy.
This is such baloney. The most
popular movies, video games, and songs today are laced with hate, violence, and
profanity. And the left wants to censor
the Bible? The Truth? Our history?
How dare they?
I like one of
Judge Jeanine’s paragraphs towards the end of the book.
As we approach 2020 you have a
decision to make. You can sit back and
hope that the radical Left, committed to remaking America , doesn’t succeed. Or you can do
something about it. Donald Trump was
elected to do something about it. We
need to give the man the opportunity to continue his mission, fighting to keep America on its path back to greatness. We need to elect a Congress that will work
with him rather than resist him. And we
need to continue to speak out, despite the Left’s efforts to silence us. We
cannot allow them to destroy the truth or the America we love.
God bless President
Trump and guide him to make America great again.
Trump did not bring division. Division brought Trump.
If you don’t see that, then you’re
part of the problem.
Ava Armstrong.
http://BusinessFits.com Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or
a paperback.