Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Truth and Science

     I keep hearing politicians say follow the science and tell the truth.  With the Democratic Left, it is usually just political B S.

     The science clearly shows that K-12 schools never should have been closed, so why did they?  The teachers unions are major donors to the Democratic Party and they called the shots.  Teachers unions are not interested in what is best for the kids.  The science does not support their agenda so they lie.

     The whole COVID-19 pandemic has been a political tool ignoring the actual science.  The facts clearly show that states like Florida and South Dakota that kept business open did not have higher COVID outbreaks than states that locked down.  Dr. Fauci, the World Health Organization, and the Center for Infectious Despises has been wrong, confused, or changed their mind on everything concerning the virus.

    The pandemic proved to be a valuable tool for the Democrat Party.  It helped to elect Biden.  If you want to destroy a country you have to use fear and irrational emotions.  The hope of the Left and establishment politicians is that the people will give up their freedoms in exchanged for “perceived” safety.

    Systemic racism and white supremacy is another lie that is just not supported by the facts.  Both do exist, but to a lesser degree in our great country than in any country in the world.  That is why so many people of color want to migrate here.

    The systemic race problem in this country is teaching critical race theory, affirmative action in jobs, admissions, and financing.  The radical WOKE movement must use political correctness, cancel culture, and changing history, because the facts and history do not support their claims. 

    The idea of political correctness originated with the communists in the 1930s. - “Comrade, your statement is factually incorrect.”   “Yes, it is.  But, it is politically correct.”

      The facts clearly show that border security is essential to a sovereign country and walls work.  Open borders increase drug and human trafficking.  Facts prove open borders also kill jobs and reduce wages for minorities.  Why does the Left ignore the facts when they claim to be for minorities?

      Climate change is the most ridiculous hoax ignoring the actual science.  The earth has always had climate change and always will.  The big lie is that man-made emissions cause it, or that man can control it. 

   The area of the country I live in was once completely covered by a glacier.  The glacier melted.  What caused it to melt?  I don’t know but it had nothing to do with man or man-made emissions, because there were none. 

     Any human that thinks he or she can control the weather or the climate is totally delusional, or has a God complex.  As the saying goes, “You can’t fool Mother Nature.”

     The whole Green New Deal is a con job that has nothing to do with climate change.  It is a political agenda to expand government and control every aspect of our lives.  It is a Marxist agenda.        

   Anytime you hear a politician say we are facing an existential threat, you can be pretty sure they are lying.  “Existential” may be the group think word of the year. It means a threat to human existence with no facts.  It is like Henny Penny or Chicken Little saying, “The sky is falling.”   The lame stream media and politicians love the term because they can create fear and irrational emotions with zero facts. 

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Joseph Goebbels, a Hitler propagandist.

   The Left and the lame-stream media have adopted this strategy.  Banning “Disinformation” is their way of taking away free speech.  We all better start checking the facts and not take politicians or the media at face value.


http://BusinessFits.com   Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. 


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Take a Break

         The radical WOKE Left is trying to divide and destroy our county.  The Democrats have been trying to impeach Trump for over four years with zero evidence of any wrongdoing.  The integrity of our elections is gone.  We have been dealing with a pandemic for a year.  The Left wants open boarders which will increase drug deaths and human trafficking while destroying our economy. 

         Maybe it is time to take a breath and relax for a few days.  Escape by watching a good movie.   I will tell you some of my favorites.  I like movies based on real life. I also like horses and football.  I especially love the history of our American west. 

Here are my top half dozen favorites:

    1.   Shane starring Alan Ladd.  This is a classic and the first movie            to use black light for filming in     the dark.   I have read the              book by Jack Schaefer and watched the movie both a dozen               times or more. 

2.   The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance is shot in black and white.   It stars John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart, Vera Mills, and Lee     Marvin.  What a cast!

   3.  Seabiscuit staring Jeff Bridges.  A great piece of American                  history during the great depression. 

   4.   Secretariat staring Diane Lane.  Story of the 1973 triple crown           winner.

   5.  Second Hand Lion staring Robert Duvall and Michael Caine.              This is a great feel good movie.

   6.  Rudy is a feel good football movie based on real life. 

    Relax and enjoy.  With God’s help, our country may survive a week. 


http://BusinessFits.com   Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Impeachment Abuse

    Impeachment is a serious action that is defined in our Constitution.   This action is a means to remove someone from office after being convicted by the Senate of “Treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”  Misdemeanors does not mean the same thing as it does for minor violations as defined in out current legal system. 

        Some of our Founding Fathers were uncomfortable putting the option of impeachment in the Constitution because they were afraid politicians would misuse it for their own political agenda.  That misuse has clearly happened.  How are we going to fix this abuse?

   The current impeachment of Donald Trump is clearly unconstitutional.  Impeachment can only be used to remove someone from office.  Trump is no longer in office so impeachment is not applicable. 

        The presiding officer of the trial in the Senate must be the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.   Chief Justice Roberts is not the presiding officer so the trial has no legal standing.  I don’t know if Chief Justice Roberts is refusing to be the presiding officer because he knows the impeachment is unconstitutional, or if he is just reluctant to do his job as he has done with other controversial issues in the recent past.

      The abuse of impeachment is blatant.  Democrats have been saying they were going to impeach Trump since the day he was elected.  There have never been any grounds.  They just did not like him and he was a danger to the deep state establishment. 

        The Constitution clearly states that Congress does not have the authority to charge or convict a private individual for any crime.  This responsibility is strictly with law enforcement and the courts.   Any individual charged with a crime has the right to due process and to defend themselves.  

       Democrats and establishment bureaucrats lied to the FISA Court, spied on Trump, pushed the Russia hoax, spent millions of dollars and many months on the Muller investigation with no crime, used fake whistle blowers, and impeached Trump twice when he had done absolutely nothing wrong.  Democrats in Congress told lies and the media repeated the lies for over four years.  None of the people have been held accountable for their lies.

        Trump put America first.  He said what he wanted to do and he kept his promises.  That was the problem for Democrats and the Washington establishment.

        Voting for an unconstitutional impeachment of Trump when he has done nothing wrong is clearly an abuse of power and that person should be removed from office.   That abuse of power may not be an impeachable offense, but is certainly worse than anything President Trump did.  Abusing impeachment must be stopped. 



http://BusinessFits.com   Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. 


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Biden's Unity Speech

         Joe Biden’s coronation acceptance speech was great.  He spoke of uniting the country.  He has such a nice Presidential voice.  He is like a lovable old Grandpa.   Too bad he is a corrupt career politician and the speech was all BS.

        The executive orders Biden signed over the next few days proved his agenda is anything but uniting the country. These executive orders will hurt the country and divide the American people.  Here are just a few:

·       Rejoining the Paris Climate accord will make China and Russia very happy and hurt America.

·       Open borders will kill jobs, law and order, and hurt the economy.  It is also totally irresponsible during a pandemic. 

·       Rescinding the Keystone pipeline permit and fracking leases will end America’s energy independence, strong economy, low energy prices, and dealing from a position of power in foreign affairs. Again, great for Russia and China. 

·       Taking up the Iran deal will give them nuclear weapons and probably lead to nuclear war.

·       Canceling the 1776 Commission and promoting the 1619 project will further divide the county on race.  They Left must do everything possible to prevent people from reading the 1776 Commission report. True history does not fit their agenda.

·       Rejoining and funding the World Heath Organization after the way they defended and cover up China’s actions with the China virus.

·       Coronavirus relief bill attaching bailouts for incompetent Democrat run cities and states is totally corrupt pork barrel spending.  Why should citizens in competently run states and cities have to pay for the Democrat incompetence?


        These are just a few of over forty executive orders Biden has signed that could be devastating to our country.  Only a month before the election Biden said only a dictator should use executive orders.

        Democrats, the Left, big tech, and the media don’t want to unite the country. They want to silence 75 million Trump supporters.  They promise equity for minorities, not equality for all Americans.  Actually all they want is power and the rich getting richer.

        The Left wants conformity, submission, and surrender.  They advocate that employers, corporations, publishers, and social media all punish Trump supporters.  They don’t want anyone to write, speak, or even think about Trump’s Make America Great Again agenda.  This is tyranny and fascism.  We must stand up for our rights.

        Our country hasn’t been more divided since the Civil War, when the Democratic Party was pro slavery.  Unfortunately, most Republicans do not have the guts to stand up to the Left.  Republicans talk BS like wanting to work together.  Some even trash Trump.

        Part of the Democrat Left has even advocated re-education camps to deprogram Trump supporters and their children.   It’s like they totally ignore the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  We have a Constitutional crisis.

        I see no way the country can ever unite under a Biden administration. 



http://BusinessFits.com   Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.