I am concerned about who is in charge at the White House. President Biden obviously has physical and cognitive problems. I feel sorry for him, but someone has to run the country. Biden can’t put in a full day or answer a question, let alone run the country.
Biden is a long-term establishment sewer politician. He has signed the executive orders he promised the Left for their support. He certainly never wrote these orders. I doubt he even read them. He had no idea of the damage they would do. The crisis at the boarder is an example.
Estimates put cartel profits at 14 million dollars per day with the open boarders. This is big globalist business. I wonder who is getting paid off.
Will Jill Biden take over her husband’s duties when he is no longer capable like President Wilson’s wife did for over a year after he was incapacitated from a stroke? Will the lame-stream media cover it up when Biden is incapacitated?
Vice President Harris is taking over much of Biden’s job, because he is not capable of doing it. This is a woman who could not even pole 1% in the Democratic primary. She has shown she is a power hungry politician that can be bought and controlled. Her only other qualification was that she was a woman of color. She was promised the Presidency because everyone knew Biden could never finish his term. She expects to take over when Biden is removed with the 25th Amendment.
Ron Klain is Biden’s Chief of Staff. He is former lobbyist who was also Chief of Staff for Biden when he was Vice President. He is connected to big money and the establishment. How much control does he have over Biden now?
Or, this may be President Obama’s third term. Obama is the only President in history who did not leave Washington when he left office. He has stayed in DC and continues to be active in politics. He meets regularly with his old Attorney General, Eric Holder. They don’t get much more corrupt than Holder. Obama also meets regularly with his old Chief of Staff, Valerie Jarrett. I always thought she was the go-between for George Soros and Obama. Vice President Harris was also a favorite pawn of Obama. Is this why she is Vice President?
We also know that Big Tech is controlling Biden. Biden has named several people from Big Tech to his administration. As with most of Biden’s administration, he was told who to pick. The only other direction he has been given is to pick people based on the color of their skin, sex, and sexual identity. Being qualified has become irrelevant. This is racism at its worst.
So, who is calling the shots in the White House? The only thing we know for certain is that it’s not President Biden. We are facing some scary times for our country. I pray for God’s help.
http://BusinessFits.com Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is
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