Tuesday, May 25, 2021


         There was a time when making compromises was an essential part of government.  These compromises kept the country from going too far left or too far right.  That has changed.  The Left continually moves our country further and further towards Marxism.  

        Republicans like to compromise, but when they give the Left an inch, they take a mile.  Conservative Republicans continually give in to Democrats and make concessions hoping to pacify them, but the Left is never satisfied.  They won’t stop until they collapse the country and people accept Marxism. 

        The Left now controls education, the media, and our federal intelligence and law enforcement agencies.  They use race to divide the country with Cancel Culture and Critical Race Theory.  And, worst, the Left has stolen elections.  They try to control free speech and call anyone who disagrees with them racist, sexist, or some other derogatory term.  They exert political pressure to take away a person’s right to make a living if that person disagrees with them.

        Politics has become so divided that compromise is no longer an option.  The radical Left has completely taken over the Democrat Party.  Where have all the good Democrat liberals who love this country gone?

        If anyone would have told me twenty years ago that this could happen in our country I would have said they were crazy.  Is it too late to save the founding principles of freedom that made this country great? 


Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Keeping Score

         The last 130 days of the Biden/Harris administration have been a disaster for the American people.  Let’s check the score.

      ·       Secure border to open boarder – Cartels won

            Marxist Democrats: 1 – American people: 0

·       Caring about children to children out of school, held in cages, and abandoned in the desert. 

            Marxist Democrats: 1 – American people: 0

·       Energy independence to energy dependence

            Marxist Democrats: 1 – American people: 0

·       Teaching Critical Race Theory and lying about systemic racism

            Marxist Democrats: 1 – American people: 0

·       Stable prices to Inflation

            Marxist Democrats: 1 – American people: 0

·       Thriving job market to high unemployment

            Marxist Democrats: 1 – American people: 0

·       Law and order to anarchy

            Marxist Democrats: 1 – American people: 0

·       Thriving economy to high job vacancy

            Marxist Democrats: 1 – American people: 0

·       Fair and honest elections to corruption

            Marxist Democrats: 1 – American people: 0

·       Plentiful energy to long gas lines

            Marxist Democrats: 1 – American people: 0

·       Peace deals in the Middle East to war

            Marxist Democrats: 1 – American people: 0

·       Respect of China, Iran, and North Korea to total disrespect

            Marxist Democrats: 1 – American people: 0


This is just a small list but I get:

        Marxist Democrats: 12 – American people: 0


Nobody can be working for the American people and be this stupid.  The agenda is to totally destroy America so the people will be willing to accept Marxism. 

The question is, if the American people will continue to let this happen.  I hope and pray we will change the direction of government before it is too late.



 Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Robber Barons

         Robber Barons was a term used for U.S. entrepreneurs and financiers in the late 1800’s who created monopolies and made obscene amounts of money.  Many of their business practices were questionable and they treated their employees badly. 

        The Robber Barons were good in the fact that they moved the country into the industrial age. Oil, railroads, steel and other industries came of age and a few men created monopolies to control these industries. 

        John D. Rockefeller formed Standard Oil.  Andrew Carnegie made his money in steel.  J.P. Morgan was a acquisitions, mergers, and financier who made money with railroads, US Steel, and General Electric.  Cornelius Vanderbilt made his money in shipping and railroads.

        Some Robber Barons never produced anything or contributed to the economy.  They made their money through stock manipulation.  Jay Gould and James Fisk are a good example.  These men would be like today’s hedge fund managers who make fortunes and contribute nothing.

        The Robber Barons were ruthless, but not all bad.  Their philanthropic efforts were good for the country and some continue today, like the Rockefeller Foundation.  Carnegie built libraries all over the country.  J.P. Morgan even loaned the federal government money to bail them out when they were in trouble.  Today we have to borrow from Communist China.  We were better off with the Robber Barons.

        Our founding fathers knew of the danger of monopolistic powers whether they be state controlled or private enterprise. Monopolies can’t form or survive with out some help from the government.  The Sherman Anti-Trust Act was passed in 1890.  President Teddy Roosevelt eventually took on the Robber Barons and broke up their monopolies.

        Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Morgan didn’t want William Jennings Bryan to be president as he was totally against big business.  They pumped huge amounts of money into the 1896 Presidential campaign to elect William McKinley.  Many people thought the Robber Barons had bought the election.  

        The robber barons bought ads, paid bribes, and engaged in voter intimidation, but they did not promote actual voter fraud or stop free speech like today’s Robber Barons.

        Big tech companies are today’s Robber Barons, and they are much more dangerous than the Robber Barons of the 19th century.  These companies have been given help from the federal government in several ways, including tax breaks and immunity from prosecution.

        Big tech companies like Amazon, Goggle, Twitter, and Facebook are like Russian oligarchs who want to run the country.  They buy politicians, elections, control free speech, and want to control what we think. 

        The country is in real trouble with our current Big Tech Robber Barons.  We must break them up and stop their tyranny.


Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Why Does the Government Lie to US?

         You will note the word “Why” in the title.  There is no question that our federal government lies to us.  The only question is when and why. 


        Names of bills and laws are very deceptive and a lie.  The H.R.1 bill passed the House.  Speaker Pelosi called it the People’s Bill.  It would have changed voting guidelines so the people would have never had another fair election.          The “COVID” bill only had 9% of the money going to anything related to COVID.  The rest was to go to bail out incompetent Democrat mayors and governors.

        The “Infrastructure” bill has little to do with infrastructure.  Most of the money is going to the Green New Deal. 

        The Affordable Care Act was a classic.  It turned out to be anything but affordable.  Obama made blatant lies about how people could keep their insurance and doctors.  He knew they were lies. 

        These name game lies are irritating, but harmless for anyone that actually watches what is happening.   The names are so ridiculous that they are actually funny. 


        The government lies to us about how we are doing in wars.  After the attack on Pearl Harbor, The government never told people about all the German submarine attacks on ships on our east coast.  Were these lies so the east coast public did not panic?

        A friend of mine lost his right arm at the shoulder in Vietnam.  He said about 200 men had been overrun and everyone was killed except for him and one other guy who were left for dead.  He was upset when he saw the news describe the incident as a mild V.C. offensive inflicting moderate casualties.  Was the government hiding how bad the war was going? Due to PTSD, my friend later swallowed his gun.


        We know the government has lied to us about everything concerning the COVID-19 pandemic.  Was the science bad, or were the so-called experts just incompetent? I think the whole pandemic was manipulated for political purposes and used to create fear.  It has been used to destroy the greatest economy the world had ever seen, and gave the radical Left Democrats the power to defeat President Trump.

        There are some other interesting cover-ups, like UFOs and President Kennedy’s assassination.  We don’t know what happened regarding these events, but we know the official government explanations are a lie.  Is the government trying to protect the public to prevent panic, or are they just trying to hide how corrupt the government is from the public.  I think it is the latter.

        The government has lied to us for years because they don’t want the public to know how corrupt government is and as a result lose confidence in the government.  I hope the public is no longer that naive.  We now know that our federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies have been politicized, corrupted, and weaponized.  They now act like government Gestapo.  Are we going clean up this sewer or let it continue?


        The 2020 Presidential election is a great example of the government lying to us.  The evidence is overwhelming that four to six states were stolen from President Trump.  This level of blatant election and government fraud creates all kinds of problems.  Correcting the fraud could bring down our entire federal government. 

        It was safer for the federal government to ignore and deny the election fraud.  This is why the Supreme Court refused to hear cases that were clearly their responsibility.  With as slow as things move in Washington, correcting the election fraud could have left us with no leadership.  Government felt it was safer to let the stolen election stand and hope the public would buy into the lies.

        What are the circumstances that make it okay for our government to lie to the American people?  There was a time when honest journalists were part of this decision.  That is no longer the case as the lame-stream media now is just the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.   


        The big question is will election fraud be controlled in the future, or is election fraud the new normal?  Will we ever have a free and fair election again?


Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com.