I saw a news story where an illegal
alien raped a woman on a
Riots, arson, and murder are condoned on
the streets by domestic terrorists like BLM and ANTIFA who are trying to
destroy the country. The lame-stream
media call it mostly peaceful and condones the violence.
In spite of the growing lawlessness in our
streets, the Democrats talk of defunding the police and releasing people
charged with felonies with no bail.
Leftist prosecutors refuse to prosecute many criminals. The rule of law may be something we have to
read about in history books, but the Marxists would rewrite history too.
The illegal alien who raped the woman on
the train had been arrested for three prior crimes, including sex crimes, and
he was still on the street. He should
have been in jail or deported for any one of these.
Our border is open to all, including
criminals, drug runners, and human traffickers. How long until none of us are safe?
This is all bad, but the most disgusting
thing about the rape is that the other passengers did nothing. This rape continued for 40 minutes and 27
train stops, and not one person even called 911. Some did record the rape with their phones. These people be charged as accessories to
I am a 77 year old man with breathing
problems, but I would never stand by and not try to stop a rape. What is this country coming to?
Everyone who witnessed this crime and
did nothing should be ostracized from society.
Crime is so commonplace that it is ignored, but a conservative can lose
his/her job for supporting President Trump.
We are letting a small minority of WOKE
people and the media (including social media) run this country. The silent majority has to stand up and be
Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on
Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. http://BusinessFits.com