Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Lincoln on Democrats

   “Your purpose, then, plainly stated, is that you will destroy the Government, unless you be allowed to construe and enforce the Constitution as you please, on all points in dispute between you and us.  You will rule or ruin in all events.”

             This is part of the Cooper Union speech Abraham Lincoln gave at in 1860.  He was not yet the Republican nominee for President at that time.  He felt the southern Democrats were unwilling to compromise. 

        It seems nothing has changed and we do not want to learn from history.  The Democrat policies are destroying the country. 

        The southern boarder, inflation, energy, crime, and foreign policy are all in shambles.  The only solution is to reinstate all of President Trump’s policies, but that will never happen.  

        The WOKE mob and the green new deal ideologues would rather destroy the country and the Constitution than admit Trump was a great President.  The Marxists want to destroy the country so they can rebuild it from the ashes. 


 We must fight for fair elections and take control back from the DC establishment and Deep State.  These are the first steps to take back this country.


Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Past, Present and Future

We hear a lot about disinformation and censorship today.  I have a problem calling outright lies disinformation.  We need to call them what they are. 

I also have a problem with censorship that is just hiding the truth.  Let’s take look at the past, present, and future. 


Past Lies:      

·       In 1971 climate scientists predicted an ice age in 50 years.

·       In 1989 scientists working for the United Nations predicted                 much of our shorelines would be under water due to rising seas          in a few years.

·       In 2004 the Pentagon predicted climate change would destroy            us by 2020.

·       Nick Sandmann was a white supremacist.

·       Most BLM protests were peaceful and justified.

·       Jussie Smollet was the victim of a hate crime.

·       Florida governor called a murderer for his COVID policies.

·       Mounted boarder agents whipped illegal immigrants.

·       Kyle Rittenhouse was a white supremacist and domestic                    terrorist.

·       Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer was a kidnap victim of         extremists.

·       BLM cares about black lives.

·       Vaccines are 100% safe and effective.


Present Lies: 

·       America is a racist country.

·       Climate change is an existential man-made crisis.

·       More gun control laws will stop crime.

·       COVID scientists say lockdowns save lives.

·       White supremacy is our biggest threat.

·       January 6th was a coup.

·       Excessive government spending does not cause inflation.

·       Gender is subjective, not biological.

·       The experts say inflation is just temporary.

·       COVID is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

·       High gas prices are all Putin’s fault.


Future – I Predict:

·       The lame-stream media will continue to repeat the Left’s lies.

·       Social media will repeat the lies and block the truth if it fits                 their political agenda, unless Elon Musk controls Twitter. 

·       The Left will continue to say speech must be censored to                     protect the constitution.

·       Scientists will continue to promote the political agenda of the             people that hire them. 

·       The Washington establishment will do anything to protect their         power.

·       The Left and the Democrat Party will do anything for power.

·       Anyone who tries to tell a truth that does not agree with the                 political agenda will be called a racist, sexist, domestic                     terrorist, or something else. 

·       The establishment, the Left, and Democrats will use deceptive         slogans or lies to justify their power in their belief that the                public is stupid enough to trust them.


We must fight for fair elections and take control back from the DC establishment and Deep State.  These are the first steps to take back this country.



Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Fossil Fuels & the Economy

The economies of the world run on energy.  Fossil fuels provide the majority of the energy to fuel these economies.  Without fossil fuels, economies decline, jobs disappear, inflation balloons, and the standard of living declines. 

Industry is dependent on transportation which is dependent on gasoline and diesel fuel.  Many products including asphalt roads use petroleum.  We need gas to heat our homes.  Electric vehicles and electric heat are not the answer as the majority of the electricity used is produced by coal and gas.

Batteries to store energy are a problem.  The minerals used to produce them are often mined in countries that are not our friends.  Disposing of the old batteries is also a major problem.  At this time they cannot be recycled and disposal is a major threat to the environment. 

In France, there is a junkyard full of electric cars.  The batteries have given out, and it is too expensive to replace the batteries.  These cars sit in a junkyard because no one will take the old batteries.  They are too toxic, so they just sit and drain into the ground.  At this time there is no solution for the problem. 

The same is true for wind turbines and solar panels.  Everything wears out at some point and what do we do with it?  They are not recyclable and we don’t have or want adequate solid waste sites.  We are not addressing these problems. 

The United States has enough fossil fuel resources to supply our energy needs for hundreds of years.  We need to continue to work on identifying and refining alternative energy sources, but it will be many decades before they will be a viable and dependable source of energy. 

Restricting our production of fossil fuels has caused an increase in gasoline prices and inflation.  It also played an important part in reducing our influence to stop Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

This political war on fossil fuels is a major part of the Green New Deal.  The climate change movement is totally delusional.  Globalists know it is a joke, but are using it to create a new world order and redistribute wealth. 

Is there climate change? Of course.  There has been since the earth was formed and will continue until the earth ends.  The delusion is to think MAN is the cause or can control it. 

I have been watching the so-called climate science for over a decade because I had friends and relatives on both sides of the issue.  I have found zero scientific facts showing man-made emissions cause climate change.  The Left avoids the issue now by saying the science is clear and no longer open to debate.

It is time we stop dancing around this climate hoax and open up fossil fuel production as we continue to work on renewable energy sources.


Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Oscar Slap

 A movie star slapped a comedian at this year’s Oscars.  Who cares?

The Oscars have been going downhill and ratings have been dropping for decades.  The Oscars were bad, but when they started to be political, they lost half of their remaining audience.  Why do they cater to a delusional WOKE minority?  This has to be a losing agenda. 

The Oscars had another problem as the quality and interest in motion pictures has declined.  Pictures have  gotten political, turning off the audience.  The great movies and movie stars are a thing of the past.  There are no John Waynes or Elizabeth Taylors.  

The Oscars have proven themselves irrelevant, so why is the news giving this incident so much coverage?  The media should be covering numerous problems facing the country like:

·       Election integrity

·       Bloated federal government

·       Establishment bureaucrats with no accountability

·       Corruption at the highest levels of our government

·       High gas prices

·       Run-a-way inflation

·       An open border

·       Government spending

·       Government debt

·       Energy dependence

·       Crime out of control

·       Drugs killing thousands

·       Blacks killing blacks

·       War in Ukraine

Is a slap at the Oscars just a diversion to make people ignore our real problems?  Or was the slap staged to create interest in a dying awards event? 


We must fight for fair elections and take control back from the DC establishment and Deep State.  These are the first steps to take back this country.


Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com