Because of some of my political writings and political public speaking, I received encouragement from several people to have a blog. I resisted for some time, but have decided to do it for a variety of reasons, so here goes.
I was raised on a farm. My Dad said he was just a tenant farmer and said he did not have any money to start me farming, or start me in business, or send me to school. He said I was smart enough to learn a job if I knew how to work, and he could teach me how to work. Farm work was hard then and as a kid, I did not think it was too good an idea. My Dad also taught me common sense.
I have been involved in small business my entire life. I am currently writing a book called How To Find The Right Business.
My Dad always said he voted for the man and not the party. Like many people, my parent’s political standing influenced me.
I was never very involved in politics. I consider myself an independent, and not a Democrat or Republican. As an independent, I was part of the silent majority. I decided a few years ago that it was time to be more vocal. I started putting down my thoughts and sent out my first e-mail.
The common sense my Dad taught me, my life in small business, and my more recent interest in politics gave me the title for my Blog, “Common Sense, Business & Politics”. I hope it can be of interest to others.
I am an Army veteran from the Viet Nam era. I have always been interested in history. In more recent years I have become a news junkie. I have learned more about our political history in the last six years than I learned in the first sixty years.
I am more afraid for my country now than I have ever been in my life. I think we have to make some hard decisions now, or our grandchildren will not have the same freedoms and opportunities I had.
My seven greatest fears are:
1. Party Politics and corrupt politicians, as many politicians will do anything to stay in office. Staying in office is more important than working for the good of the country.
2. Growing government, growing government spending, and growing government debt are out of control.
3. Deficit trade balances increase as we stop manufacturing.
4. Immigration problems increase as not one President in over 40 years has enforced our immigration laws
5. Health care costs are out of control as politicians try to solve a problem created by insurance with insurance.
6. Religious freedoms of Christians are being taken away, and we have a problem dealing with radical Islamic terrorists.
7. We have a work ethic problem, and government education and welfare policies have created a welfare society that is now in it’s third generation in some urban areas.
More later.
I have read you book. It provides a candid perspective to those who might be considering starting their own business, and I would recommend it to anyone that falls within that category.