Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong

        I have had it with partisan justification.  When someone from either party does something wrong, the party loyalists defend them, or say someone from the other party did worse, or blame the other party as conspiracists, or say the accusations are politically motivated, or say the media is playing political favorites.  I know all of these things happen, but when is doing something wrong just plan wrong. 
        I am just sick of the party politics.  People lie, cheat, bend the rules, break the rules, and even break the law, and it is condoned and covered up because, It’s just politics.  Everything seems to be about party politics and getting reelected.  When are “We the People” going to say we have had enough?
        Maybe it is time for term limits for all elected state and federal offices.  Some politicians say they support term limits, but this usually changes once they are in office.  Michelle Bachman is one that supports term limits and acts accordingly.  She says eight years is enough and is not running for the US Congress again.  Some people love her and some hate her, but with respect to term limits, she does what she says.  Some people say she is not running because she does not think she could win.  That is just more partisan political BS in my opinion.  
        Term limits might help with the problem.  I have mixed emotions as I can see a benefit with career politicians, but career politicians seem to promote corruption, and increase big government and the political elite ruling class.  I think the only real solution is when “We the People” say we demand honesty, and transparency in government.  Right is right and wrong is wrong.  It should have nothing to do with politics.  Let’s face some facts.  Transparency in government has become a bigger issue in the last few presidential elections and we obviously have gone in the wrong direction. 
        As I mentioned last week, we have the IRS scandal, the Benghazi tragedy, Fast & Furious, freedom of the press infringement, voter intimidation, and more, and no one takes responsibility or seems to know anything.  We must demand all government servants do what is right.  We must stand up for our country and freedom, and not just the things that affect us personally. 

1 comment:

  1. You talk about how the implicated party attempts to neutralize an issue; what about the other party's attempt to inflame it into a bigger issue than it is? That is what the GOP has done with Benghazi. In the end, it will end as one more black eye for the party, hopelessly grappling for something to bring their fragmented coalition into unity. As for Bachman, regardless of her motivations, I am happy for her decision. She is much more attractive than smart, and she has no place representing our great nation. God Bless America!
