A friend recommended The Founder’s Key by Larry P. Arnn. I would recommend this book. Larry P. Arnn is the President of Hillsdale Collage and an influential conservative. I know that sounds like an oxymoron in today’s educational system where a conservative professor is a rarity.
Our educational system has become so extremely Progressive that the University of Colorado Board of Regents is considering a resolution to prohibit discrimination based on “political affiliation or political philosophy.” I think it is a sad day when a resolution is needed to prevent discrimination of conservative students, teachers, professors, and administrators in our universities.
The Founder’s Key addresses what our founding fathers wanted to achieve. Arnn covers the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. He shows how they are connected and how they are both relevant today. He addresses how God, nature, and human rights played a role in the writing of the Declaration and Constitution. He explains the difference between a republic and a democracy, and points out the advantages of the republic our founding fathers formed.
The Founder’s Key discusses the origins of the Progressive movement and reveals how it can be a threat to our liberty. President Woodrow Wilson probably was the first Progressive President. Wilson felt the checks and balances imposed by the Constitution were too restrictive for modern society and hampered what he wanted to do. FDR continued with the Progressive era.
I received some feedback on my blog titled, “The Fourth Amendment” on June 18, 2013. This person stated, “President Wilson, and other Progressives hold the notion very dear that enlightened bureaucrats – experts in their own field – should run things telling the rest of us how to best live our lives and enacting either laws or administrative rules (carrying the force of law) requiring us to live that way.” This statement pretty much sums up the Progressive movement in my opinion. Unfortunately, many people do not recognize this threat to our freedom until it affects them personally. Of course the political elite love this philosophy. Maybe so many educators are Progressives because they consider themselves to be “enlightened” and hope to be part of the political elite.
The Founders’ Key Part II: Fundamental Readings includes:
· The Declaration of Independence
· The Constitution of the United States of America
· Amendments to the Constitution of The United States of America
· Federalist No. 10: The Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection (Continued).
· Federalist No. 39: The Conformity of the Plan to Republican Principles
· Federalist No. 48: These Departments Should Not Be So Far Separated as to Have No Constitutional Control Over Each Other
· Federalist No. 49: Method of Guarding Against the Encroachments of Any One Department of Government by Appealing to the People Through a Convention
· Federalist No. 51: The Structure of the Government Must Furnish the Proper Checks and Balances Between the Different Departments
· “Property” by James Madison
How long has it been since you read these? I think I know the answer for most of us. History has shown our founding fathers were very smart. We should at least read what they said. It would be nice if this was taught in our schools, but I understand this part of history does not fit the Progressive agenda. If it continues, the Progressive movement will eventually make this a socialist country and take away the freedoms that made it great. Maybe that is what you want, but be aware what is happening.
In my book Business Fits: How to find the right business for you, I address the dangers of reinventing the wheel. This principle is also true in politics. History shows the Constitution worked for generations and provides the tools for changing times. Why do Progressives want to change and reinvent the wheel? I understand why the political elite want this change, but why do the rest of us put up with it?
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