Tuesday, October 1, 2013

De-Funding Obama Care

We have a lot of news about the government shutdown, the debt ceiling and de-funding Obama Care these days.      I was watching debate about Obama Care on TV the other day.  There were six people and a moderator involved in this debate.  As usual, the Democrats were blaming the Republicans, and the Republicans were blaming the Democrats.  I think there is enough blame to go around.
Finally, one individual suggested we do something to actually reduce health care costs.  He said the solution was “catastrophic medical insurance and medical savings plans.”  No one commented, a commercial break was taken, and these real, workable solutions were never discussed again.  Is it possible the media and government bureaucrats don’t actually want to reduce health care costs?
The implementation of catastrophic medical insurance and medical savings plans solution would also eliminate all communication between a health care provider and a medical insurance company.  Health care and cost considerations must be between the patient and his or her health care provider without interference from an insurance provider or the government.  Tort reform is also needed so the health care provider can work with the patient without the threat of a lawsuit.
I wrote a blog called The Solutions to Affordable Health Care on July 24, 2012.  In this blog, I stated health care costs could be reduced by 40% in the first year and 80% when fully implemented.  I still believe this to be true if we get real about fixing the problem. 
It drives me crazy when I hear people interchanging the terms health care and medical insurance.  The two are not interchangeable.  First dollar billing medical insurance and government intervention are the two major causes of our high health care costs.  Why do we keep trying to solve the problem with more of the very things that caused the problem? 
Passing the Affordable Care Act now has proven to be a huge mistake.  It has and will raise the cost of healthcare, hurt the economy, hurt the job market, reduce the number of full-time jobs, and reduce the standard of living for some of the working middle class. Obama care will also hurt the quality of healthcare for some groups like seniors.  One of the most dangerous results is it will grow the size, power, and spending of the federal government. 
Why is it that most groups that supported the Affordable Care Act now want to be exempted from the law or de-fund the law?  Unions are a prime example.  I could never understand why they supported Obama Care in the first place.  This may give us a clue just how disastrous this law will be when fully implemented.  
Medical insurance companies did the greatest marketing job in the history of this country in my opinion, as I mention in my March 8,2012 blog.  They have sold the public and health care providers on the idea of first dollar billing medical insurance.  It is big business and much more profitable than catastrophic medical insurance.  They backed Obama Care because it will continue first dollar billing for a while.  The end result might be the end of medical insurance, but the top insurance executives will be retired with millions in bonuses by then and don’t care. 
I love the name game in politics.  It is a major part of all good marketing, as I discuss in my book, Business Fits, How to find the right business for you.   Think about the Affordable Care Act.  It sounds good and gives a positive image, but does just the reverse.  What a joke. 
Some people suggest ignoring Obama Care because it will eventually collapse on itself, and it will.  The problem with this idea is we are sending millions for implementation and, as we know, these government agencies perpetuate themselves and never go away. 
If we keep going down the Obama Care road, what is the end result?  We now know the act won’t work as written so the next step may be the “single payer” plan which is the government.  This means the elimination of all medical insurance.  If we think the claims process is expensive and inefficient with the insurance companies handling it, wait until the federal government is handling all claims.
When single payer does not work, the next step is government provided health care for everyone.  Quality is almost certain to decline, but this will be a huge victory for big government and socialism.  Maybe we should do something to change big government now.  What do you think?


  1. The political reality is President Obama, with support from all Democrats including much of the press, is the only one who he will allow to change or modify Obamacare. This is in spite of obvious problems such as reduced funding of Medicare and the 30hr employment rule. All changes he has made so far are designed to optimize Democrat vote for 2014. Anything that detracts from this is not allowed. President Obama believes the constitution is whatever he can get away with. He refuses to bide by separation of powers and will not compromise on this issue.

    1. Frighteningly, I'm afraid you're right. When all those who still believe him to be their Messiah find out they will NOT be getting the health care they want on demand, we may have a chance of getting rid of it.
