Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Are We Stupid?

Jonathan Gruber is one of the individuals responsible for writing the Affordable Care Act. He has stated that a lack of transparency and a stupid public was part of the reason the act was passed.  He justified these actions by saying the American people don’t know what is good for them.  Progressives always think the political elite should tell us how to live our lives.
“If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it, Period.”   If you like you doctor, you can keep him, period.”  These were two of the most famous lies.  Anyone that read the bill knew that would not happen.  Oops, I forgot, no one read the bill before passing it.  As dingbat Pelosi said, “We have to pass it to find out what’s in it.”
We were told Obama Care was not a tax, but later it was called a tax to make it legal under the Constitution.  We were told premiums would go down when they had to go up.  We were told it would not raise taxes, government spending, or the deficit, when the reverse has proven to be true. We were told it would not affect Medicare, when they knew money would be taken out of Medicare.  The list goes on and on.  We were lied to. The public may be a little gullible, but I don’t think the public is stupid. 
I think the responsibility lies with our Congress and the media to learn the facts and act responsibly in the best interests of the country.  Our form of government is a republic.  That means we elect representatives to act in our best interests so we don’t have to dig out all the facts ourselves.  Our representatives failed us.  They did not read the bill, or get the facts. Some politicians voted a party line on this issue even when they knew it was wrong. 
The media is also responsible for reporting the facts.  With the exception of some cable networks, that never happened.  Most of us agree that politicians lie.  That does not make it acceptable.  Every political lie should be front-page news if we are ever going to have a transparent government. 
Most of us do not have time to research every piece of legislation and every regulation.  We must demand a better job from our elected officials and the media.

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