Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Save the Children

For the first time in the history of this great country, the children today will have less opportunity than their parents.  We must reverse this trend now for the sake of our children.
Politicians often make political issues about “The Children.”  People can even be sold on gambling and/or prostitution if the issue can be spun to be good for the children. 
The solution to giving children the opportunities they deserve is not more government, but less government.  We have been on a slippery slope to socialism for decades and big government is keeping the slope greased. 
The new federal budget is 1.1 TRILLION dollars.  We have over 600 federal government departments.  Probably half of these departments could be eliminated and the other half cut by 50%.  This is insane.  Government debt and government regulations will reduce the quality of life for today’s children. 
Most of the politically informed public recognizes that the federal government is not only too large and expensive, but too powerful.  Government bureaucrats and regulations strangle the economy without the consent or approval of Congress.  
Our Founding Fathers recognized the dangers of an overly large and powerful federal government.  They formed this great republic in a way that protected against this danger, but we have ignored the Constitution and lost our way. 
Congress is becoming irrelevant.  The job of Congress is to make the laws and control the funding of the government, but their power is eroding.  They not only allow both the Executive and Judicial branches of government to legislate, they also allow various government departments to be self-funded and not controlled by Congress. 
I hope the voting public is getting fed up with big government.  There is a lot of support for political outsiders in the Presidential race.   The political establishment from both parties is very concerned with this because the political elite could lose their power.
The two parties are taking very different approaches to this problem.  The Republicans have the outsider candidates, but are trying to sell the benefit of political insider candidates.  The Democrats are doubling down on the move to socialism.  One candidate admits to being a Socialist.  Another cannot explain the difference between a Modern Progressive and a Socialist. 

Big government [ More debt & Regulations [ Less Freedom & Opportunity.

For the sake of the children, we must reverse the dangerous Progressive trend and throw out the political elite. 

Save the Children! 

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