Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The FBI & Hillary

        The big news last week was that the FBI did not recommend prosecuting Hillary Clinton for her security breaches using her private server.  The Attorney General immediately announced that the case was closed. 
        This was very interesting since FBI Director James Comey’s statement listed dozens of violations by Clinton and her staff.  He admitted to Congress that the FBI did not take into consideration any of the statements she had made under oath to Congress, even though Comey confirms they were lies. 
        Comey then concluded that since there was no proof of criminal intent, he would not recommend prosecution.  However, the security laws violated state that no intend is needed to be guilty of the crime.     This was a nice way of saying she was so clueless and incompetent that she could not be held responsible. 
        The FBI’s role is to gather evidence and not to recommend prosecution.  Comey also said that if anyone working for the FBI had done what Clinton did they would be fired and have their security clearance cancelled.
        Attorney General Loretta Lynch fell in line with the inappropriate and incorrect FBI recommendation in spite of the fact she should have removed herself from the case after being caught in an inappropriate meeting with Bill Clinton.  The timing of the announcements by Comey and Lynch were suspicious considering scheduled campaign appearances by Hillary and President Obama. 
        Even loyal Democrats must admit that at the very least, Hillary is guilty of poor judgment, careless activities, and false statements under oath.  The Democratic Party insiders had promised her the Presidency, but cannot defend her.  Their only response is that Trump is worse.  What does Trump have to do with Hillary’s actions and record? 
        The worst case scenario is that foreign or even corrupt domestic powers did hack her server and gained access to those e-mails she was so desperate to hide.  I know Hillary considers herself above the law, but how bad were those e-mails for her to risk violating Federal laws, and hurting her reputation?  How badly could she be blackmailed by someone holding these e-mails, or did they show crimes involving the Clinton Foundation?  I don’t know, but both possibilities present a very scary scenario.    
        Many people think the FBI was paid off, and maybe they were, but it may hurt Hillary’s campaign.  A lot of people are fed up with the perceived corruption of the Washington establishment and see this as just another example of a corrupt federal government. 
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and sounds like a duck.  It’s probably a duck.   

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