Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Trump on Immigration

      We  have  a  huge  problem  with  illegal   immigration   in  this country.   It  is  costing  us  a  fortune in  many ways, and has  been getting worse  for  decades.    We have  not  had  a  single President enforce our immigration laws in 50 years.   
      Securing  our  borders  has  to  come  before  any  legislation on immigration reform.  We have been fooled by legislation promising to secure the borders and granting amnesty to illegal aliens.   Illegal immigrants were  given a path  to amnesty  and citizenship,  but the border was  not secured.   All this  did  was increase  the number of illegal immigrants coming into the country,  who only had to find a way in and wait until they got amnesty.  
       I  started  Common  Sense,  Business & Politics  in  January of 2012.   My first blog on illegal immigration was in May of 2012.  I have not changed my position on immigration since.  I am in favor of  legal immigration  and  against  illegal  immigration.   We  need immigrants who respect  our  laws,  contribute to our economy and support themselves.  We don't need illegals that we have to support and continue to break out laws.   It  is  presently easier to enter and stay in this country illegally than it is legally.   This must change or we will have no country.  
      The  solution  is  simple.    We  just  need  a  President  who will enforce our laws.  Now after fifty years, we have a chance to elect a law-and-order President.  
    The media says Trump has flip-flopped on immigration.  This is not true.  The media and the liberal’s interpretation of what he has said has changed.  They prefer to read something extra into what he says. 

Trump’s ten point immigration plan is:
1.      Build a wall
2.      End “catch and release.”
3.      Create a deportation task force and focus on criminals in the country illegally
4.      Defund sanctuary cities
5.      Cancel President Obama’s executive orders on immigration
6.      Extreme vetting and block immigration from some nations.
7.      Force other countries to take those whom the U.S. wants to deport. 
8.      Get biometric visa tracking system in place
9.      Strengthen E-Verify to block jobs for the undocumented
10.  Limit legal immigration, lower it to historic norms and, set new caps

       Trump has always said this should be done humanely.  He has never said we would deport every illegal, but if we enforce the laws, they have no way to support themselves and they will have to look at legal options.  This is nothing new or different. 
        I cannot see how any rational citizen can object to this plan.  It will benefit the entire country and especially the poorer Black and Hispanic communities. 
        I heard one person say that the undocumented workers would never vote for Trump because of this plan.  Undocumented workers are not citizens and cannot vote.  I think I see why liberals are opposed to voter IDs.
        Trump’s entire plan is just to enforce our existing immigration laws for the first time in 50 years.  What a novel idea it will be to have a President who actually honors his Oath of Office and enforces the laws of this country.

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