I found Trump’s plan for his first one
hundred days as President a positive plan:
1. Appoint Supreme Court Justice that will uphold the Constitution and the
laws of this country. This seems pretty
basic, but Hillary will appoint people that will legislate the
progressive agenda from the court. We
would lose much more than our Second Amendment rights.
Build a wall and address the problems associated with illegal
immigration. This will help every aspect of our economy, but legal immigrants, blacks,
and Hispanics will benefit the most.
Redo our trade deals so America is on a level playing field in order to
create and save jobs at home.
Cancel rules and regulations that send jobs overseas and put small
businesses at a disadvantage. Repeal every
illegal Executive Order.
Lift restrictions on energy production.
We must be energy independent.
Get rid of Obama Care. The
architects of this bill knew it could never work and lied to the American
people. I think their goal was, and is, total
socialized medicine.
Pass tax reform that will promote the economy and give working Americans
a break. Companies are moving over seas because we have the highest corporate
tax rate in the world. This must stop.
Impose tough new ethic rules starting with the Secretary of State. The world is laughing at us. A Constitutional Amendment that will set term
limits for Congress. People leaving
Congress should not be allowed to work as lobbyists.
All of this sounds good to me. Who would oppose these ideas?
· The Political elite
· The establishment - both
Republican & Democrat
· Career politicians
· Big business
· Big banks
· Big government
· Lame stream media
Who will benefit? Every citizen of this country except the
above named. I am fed up with our
bloated and often corrupt federal government.
I will be voting accordingly on November 8, 2016.
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