Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Supreme Court

        Neil Gorsuch has been confirmed and sworn in as the next Supreme Court Justice.  Someone said we now have balance again with four liberals, four conservatives, and one moderate swing vote.  
        This is a shame.  We should not have liberals or conservatives as Supreme Court Justices.  All nine should be Constitutionalists who are only interested in supporting, interpreting, clarifying, and enforcing our Constitution and the laws of this country. 
        The Supreme Court’s job is not to legislate from the bench.  Legislating is the job of Congress.  Unfortunately, Congress has not done its job, largely due to partisan politics. 
        Ginsburg, Breyer, Kagen and Sotomayor are considered liberals, and in my opinion, do try to legislate from the bench.  Roberts, Thomas, Alito, and now Gorsuch, are considered conservative.  This is not always true as Roberts definitely voted as a liberal on Obama Care.  I would still like to know the rest of that story, but I know I never will.  Kennedy is the one judge considered to be a moderate and also a swing vote. 
        The lame-stream media considers any judge who supports the law and the Constitution over a liberal agenda a conservative.  I do not consider a judge liberal or conservative if they are not trying to legislate from the bench. 
        Gorsuch was confirmed by a US Senate vote of 54 – 45.  This is not the traditional super majority, but we are a democratic republic where a simple majority must be accepted to keep the country running. 
        It is interesting that only three Democrats voted to confirm Gorsuch considering that he was confirmed as a judge for The United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit with a unanimous vote.  Sometimes liberal democrats act like junior high children in lockstep.
        Gorsuch will be one of the most competent and capable judges on the Supreme Court.  As a judge of The United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, he has only had one decision reversed.  This is pretty amazing considering 81% of all rulings of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, serving the liberal west coast, are overturned.
        Thanks President Trump, for a great pick for the Supreme Court. God bless the United States of America.  God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

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