Immigrants built this great country, so where have we gone
wrong? What we are doing certainly is
not working.
The first
mistake was the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. The first part of this Amendment gives
citizenship to anyone born in this country.
The intent was to give the children of slaves citizenship. Current liberal interpretation gives
citizenship to the children born in this country to parents who are illegal
immigrants. If the children are US
citizens, deporting the parents now breaks up the family. This interpretation promotes and encourages
illegals to come to this country to give birth.
Congress and
the President have given amnesty to illegal immigrants in the past along with the
promise of securing our boarders and enforcing our immigration laws. Neither has happened. We are clearly encouraging additional illegal
current political controversy with DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood
Arrivals) is a classic example of poor government decisions in the past. These kids are referred to as Dreamers. Most people do not want to deport them at
this time, but why were they allowed into the country in the first place and
why were they allowed to stay? If they
are granted citizenship or amnesty at this time, it will only encourage future
illegal immigration of children. There
is already an increase in illegal children coming into the country because of
DACA program was an executive order and is obviously unconstitutional. The only option President Trump had was to
send it to Congress. That does not mean he wants to deport the Dreamers.
This may be the only home they have ever
known. There is also a problem deporting
their illegal parents as that will break up the family.
the wall and securing our borders is an essential first step in solving our
illegal immigration problem. If the Dreamers
or other illegal immigrants are given a path to citizenship, it must be
guaranteed this is the last time and it will never happen again under any
must also guarantee that allowing the Dreamers to stay does not lead to
a chain reaction of allowing other illegal immigrants to stay in this
country. We must enforce or change our
immigration laws. The Executive Branch
of our government does not have the legal option of selecting which laws they
want to enforce.
cities must stop encouraging illegal immigration. A sanctuary city by definition is illegal
under our Constitution. Withholding
federal funds is a first step, but some city officials should go to jail, as they
are committing a felony.
did this country ignore our laws and Constitution regarding immigration for so
long that created this mess? We created
the problem and have to learn from the past.
It is time for some real change in government. It is time to build a wall and drain the DC
swamp. That is why the people elected
Donald Trump President.
God bless
President Trump and guide him to make America
great again.
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