Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Obama vs. Trump

Obama’s Accomplishments:
·       First black President  
·       Worst economic recovery & growth in history
·       Record high debt
·       Gave Iran billions that supported terrorism      
·       Lied about doctors & insurance under Obama Care        
·       Health care costs increased
·        “Lead From Behind” foreign policy was a disaster
·       Apologized for American exceptionalism
·       Released 5 terrorists in exchange for traitor Bergdahl
·       8 years of war – Longest wartime President
·       Record high poverty level & food stamps
·       Disregarded the Constitution
·       Violated Constitution & immigration laws with DACA
·       Promoted open borders
·       Advocated globalsim
·       Huge expansion of government
·       Record number of mass shootings
·       Racial division increased for political purposes
·       Allowed men in women’s bathrooms
·       Used national intelligence and law enforcement agencies for corrupt political purposes

Trump’s Accomplishments:
·       Record economic growth
·       Tax cuts for individuals and business
·       Eliminated unnecessary business regulations
·       Record job growth
·       Record low black, Hispanic, & female unemployment
·       Worked for fair trade practices and policies
·       Energy independence
·       Securing our borders
·       Enforcing the Constitution and law & order
·       Excellent Supreme Court nominations
·       Enforced immigration laws & is working for reform
·       Combating human trafficking and drug gangs
·       Supporting the VA and our military
·       Effective war on radical Islamic tourists
·       Making Europe pay their share in NATO
·       Got out of bad Iran deal
·       Got out of Paris Climate Accord joke
·       Talks with North Korea, China, and Russia
·       Named Jerusalem as Israel’s capital
·       Donating his Presidential salary

      I had a list of about 4 dozen specific accomplishment, but that would take too much space.  Basically Trump keeps his campaign promises.  How unique.
        Isn’t it interesting how Obama blamed President Bush for all his problems, but now tries to take credit for all of President Trump’s successes?  Obama made history as the first black President, but history will show him as the worst President in history.  Trump may be the greatest in history for saving our republic and Constitution.

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again. 

Business Fits is available on Amazon as an eBook and a paperback.

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