Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The Census

        Our founding fathers were brilliant when they formed this great republic.  In the Constitution, they instructed the Congress to conduct a census every ten years. 
        The census was essential to determine the population of the states.  The population of each individual state determined the number of representatives each state had in the House of Representatives.
        The Electoral College has the sole purpose of electing a President every four years, and is also effected by the census.  The Electoral College is made up of one elector for each senator (100) and one elector for each representative in the house (435) and three for Washington DC for a total of 538 electors.    The 23rd amendment to the Constitution gave Washington DC the same number of electors as the least populous state (3). 
        The Census clearly plays an important part in our great republic’s Congress and Presidential election.  The census gives a lot of useful information, but the most important question by far is “Are you an American Citizen?”  
        If this question is not asked, the census will be counting illegal immigrants to determine House representatives and Elector College electors.  This is totally unfair and will give an unfair representation to states that encourage illegal immigration.  It has absolutely nothing to do with race or racism.
        Why should sanctuary states that are intentionally breaking federal laws be rewarded with increased and unfair influence in Congress and electing the President?  Anyone who encourages this travesty is doing it for political gain with no consideration for the damage it does to the country.
 “Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump.
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.”
Ava Armstrong

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.


  1. Terry,

    Sorry, your argument does not stand up.

    If the founding fathers wanted to include a citizenship question they would have done so. They were encouraging immigration.

    If during the slavery years they thought it was important they would have added the question. Did not need to salves were not considered people.

    If during the 1870-1920's during the major immigration of European whites, a citizenship question was important, it would have been added.

    Now we have a majority of immigration from Latin speaking countries and you say it becomes important? And, you emphasize it not racial based! C'mon man.

    How should all persons entering the country legally and awaiting citizenship answer the question? What about green cards? and DACA's?

    Do you really think those in the country illegally will be filling census forms? Seriously? Think about it.

    Fortunately the courts are thinking about it. Separation of powers is a good thing. Its not going to happen.

    Kent Schulze

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