Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Sex Slaves

            We have a problem with slavery and sex trafficking in this country that does not get a lot of attention.  Jeffery Epstein was recently in the news because he was accused of being a pedophile and sex trafficking.  This was before he died in his jail cell.  How did he get away with it for so long?  Many rich and influential people had to know or at least suspect what he was doing.
        There are photos of ISIS sex slave auctions, but don’t think it is only in Muslim lands.  Human trafficking and slavery also exists in this country and it seldom is publicized. 
        4.8 million people are victims of sex trafficking, which is a $32 billion a year business according to the International Labor Organization.  Some estimates are as high as $150 billion a year.  Why is it not getting more attention? 
        Young girls are the most common sex slaves.  They are normally recruited when 12 to 14 years old.  Boys amount to less than 30%, and they are typically 11 to 13 years old.  Victims of sex trafficking seldom get out alive. 
         Living in a rural community does not mean kids are safe.  The internet and drugs cross all boundaries.  Parents sometimes turn out their kids for a fix.  Estimates are that one out of seven teen runaways end up a sex slave.  
        Our security problems with our southern boarder have also contributed to sex trafficking.  The cartels know people crossing the border illegally with small children are quickly released into the country. 
        Estimates are that one third of the children are not with family members.  If they are not separated, how are they identified?  What happens to them after they have severed their purpose?  They are a valuable product to criminals.
        Many young woman and girls are raped on their trek to the border.  Who is protecting them?  I get so sick of the liberal left using these children for their political agenda when they are actually putting them in danger by promoting open boarders and the sex trafficking business by their actions. 
        Our ridiculous immigration laws have been used as a political football long enough.  It is time to fix the problem.  The solutions are simple.  DO YOUR JOB CONGRESS.

“Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump.
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.”
Ava Armstrong

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

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