Tuesday, September 10, 2019


        With Hurricane Dorian damaging the east coast, Hurricanes are on our mind.  The lame-stream made fun of President Trump for saying maybe we could blow up a hurricane.  While that is not realistic, I do like people who think outside the box. 
        People who fight oil well fires sometimes put out the fire with an explosion.  The explosion sucks all the oxygen out of the air and the fire goes out for lack of oxygen.  Maybe some kind of explosion could create a vacuum that stops or changes the wind?  An explosion probably won’t stop a hurricane, but it makes a lot more sense than blaming the hurricane on man-made carbon emissions.  
        Trump definitely thinks outside the box.  He does not care what the press, the polls, his political opponents, the Republican Party, or his base thinks.  He does what is best for the American people. 
        Trump is not always politically correct in his speech or tweets.  I love that.  I think the current political correctness is actually a violation of our First Amendment guarantee of free speech, and one of the biggest threats facing this great country today. 
        Trump actually deals with problems this country faces like the economy, jobs, immigration, border security, illegal drugs, an unfair trade policy, and foreign allies not paying their fair share.  For decades, other Presidents just talked about these problems and did nothing.  It is so good to have a President that puts America first and represents ALL Americans equally.
         We obviously have had climate change ever since the earth was formed.  The area of the country where I live was covered by a glacier 25 million years ago.  That glacier melted.  What caused it to melt?  I don’t know.  It might have been the sun’s heat or the heat of the earth’s core.  The only thing we know for curtain is that man and man made emissions had nothing to do with it.
        I am sick of the climate change hoax.  The science is clear, and it does not show that man-made carbon emissions are the cause.  Try to find the source of the quote that 97% of all scientists agree that manmade emissions are the cause.  It cannot be done.  The Wall Street Journal ran a front page article on this on July 17, 2012. 
        The truth is that over 31,000 scientists including 9,000 PhDs signed a petition that states; “There is no convincing evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will cause, in the foreseeable future, catastrophic heating of the earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the earth’s climate.”
        The climate change movement has a very clear agenda.  It is:
·       A globalist economy at the expense of the current first world countries.
·    Income and wealth redistribution on a world-wide basis.  Of course, the super rich and political elite will be excluded.
·     Complete government control of every aspect of our lives including what you eat. 
·       No more personal freedoms. 
·       No more American dream. 

        It is clear the current left’s climate scare tactics have nothing to do with protecting the environment.  It is a socialist movement for power and an authoritarian government.  

“Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump.
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.”
Ava Armstrong

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

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