Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Local Problem

     Cities controlled by Democrats have a problem.  They have demonstrations, riots, burning, looting, and murder.  The WOKE radical left, Black Lives Matter, and ANTIFA have taken over these cities, while mayors and governors ask police to stand down and do nothing. 
        These same mayors, governors, police, and prosecutors have taken an oath to protect the lives and property of the people they serve.  They aren’t doing their jobs, and some honest citizens have been charged with crimes for daring to try to protect themselves and their property. 
        At this point it has become clear that these protests have little or nothing to do with protecting black lives.  Portland, Oregon has had over 60 days of riots.  Chicago has had over 2,000 shooting victims and 400 deaths already this year with as many as 18 fatalities in a single day.  Some of these were children shot in broad daylight in their strollers or in their beds at night.  What happened to all the people who claimed to be concerned about protecting children and blacks?  They seem to have better things to do like burning, looting, and violence in an attempt to divide and destroy our country.
        Sometimes I feel like we should just let these cities burn, but morally we can’t do that.  Too many lives would be lost and destroyed.  Poor minority communities are always hurt the worst. 
        The rest of the country that has real leadership shouldn’t have to pay to rebuild these cities, but we will because it is the moral thing to do.  I am sick and tired of the immoral and hypocritical attitude and actions of the radical left.  I hope the rest of the country will be fed up too by the time of the next election. 

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump. 
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.
Ava Armstrong.

http://BusinessFits.com   Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Political Correctness

     The second greatest threat I listed to our great country was political correctness.  Political correctness is just another tool the radical left uses to take away freedom of speech, which is the #1 threat. 
        The left tries to convince us that they should have the right to ban any word that might offend any liberal.  This same option does not apply equally to any one on the right.
        All words have meaning & none should be banned.  I had an older sister who passed away after a long and courageous fight with cancer.  I often lovingly refer to her as a tough broad.  Some people say I should not use the word “broad”.  This is ridiculous.  
      Calling the use of certain words a hate crime is even more outrageous.  The word “nigger” is the most frequently banned word.  The word has a place in our vocabulary.  Rappers use it in their lyrics.  When I was in the play To Kill a Mockingbird the word “nigger” was part of the script and we did not change it.  Blacks that I worked with in the Army used the word frequently.  
        Why can blacks say nigger but not whites?  Why is it okay for blacks to call whites cracker or honky?  It sounds like the pure definition of racism to me.  With this kind of political correctness that is based on race, it is no wonder we have a racial divide in this country. 
      Renaming sports teams like the Washington Redskins is another abuse of political correctness.  American Indians do not object to the name.  Just a lot of WOKE liberal idiots.  Most are probably white.  This is nuts.
        Don’t give in to political correctness to pacify the radical left.  Giving in will only empower the left to take away our freedom of speech.  Political correctness is just another political tactic to take away free speech, divide the country, and gain power for the radical left.  If the left can control speech, they will eventually control our thoughts.  

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump. 
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.
Ava Armstrong.
http://BusinessFits.com   Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Losing Freedom of Speech

     Last week I listed losing freedom of speech as the number one threat facing our great country.  Many conservatives and Trump supporters are afraid to voice their opinion for fear being ostracized, fired from their job, destruction of their property, or even personal violence.  I know people working for major corporations who say voicing conservative views will prevent promotion and even lead to being fired. 
     The radical left know that if they can control speech, they can eventually control thought.  If dissenting speech is eliminated, people eventually won’t think anyone is opposed to the left’s Marxist agenda and believe they have to accept it.  
   The left say they want an open conversation with conservatives, but that is actually the last thing they want.  They only want to hear their own agenda.  If you disagree with it, you will probably be called a racist.  If you state actual facts, their response is to shout over you or say, “That has been debunked.”
       The lame-stream media has totally bought into the left’s agenda, and they no longer report the news.  They give their liberal interpretation of the news items they choose to report.  Viewers are expected to blindly accept their opinion. 
        Social media companies restrict free speech by blocking people who make comments counter to the left’s Marxist agenda.  The left can say anything, including blatant lies and that is okay. 
       Most major universities have been teaching the Marxist agenda for decades.  At most universities it is impossible to obtain tenure if not a Marxist.  No dissenting ideas are allowed on campus.  Conservative speakers are picketed or banned.  There is no free speech.  I feel sorry for Millennials who have been brainwashed with this indoctrination.
       No one is safe criticizing an organization like Black Lives Matter or ANTIFA.  Black Lives Matter does not care about the health and well-being of blacks.  They are looking for power as a Marxist party.  BLM and ANTIFA have done more damage to blacks than whites with the possible exception of WOKE white liberals.  Both should be labeled as domestic terrorists, but we can’t say that. 
       Banning so-called hate crimes is just an excuse to take away conservative freedom of speech.  A couple who painted over Black Lives Matter painted on a public street was charged with a hate crime.  This BLM graffiti should be a crime, but someone trying to clean it up is charged with a hate crime.  This is truly taking away freedom of speech.
      The radical left has taken over the Democratic Party.  Even weak Republicans try to appease the left.  This will never work as they will continue to demand more and become more violent until they destroy the country with Marxist ideas.
        George Orwell predicted this could happen in his book 1984 which was published in 1949.  He was wrong only in how long it took to happen.  Paul Harvey predicted this could happen in 1965.  We have to wake up and take a stand if we want to preserve our freedoms.
       In summary, we have all the hate groups, the Democratic Party, weak Republicans, the lame-stream media, social media, major universities, and many corporations all restricting free speech.  This should scare everyone.  If we lose our freedom of speech, we will eventually lose all our freedoms.  I can understand why people who are supporting a family cannot risk losing their job, but we better stand up and be counted at the polls in November. 
God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump. 
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.
Ava Armstrong.       

http://BusinessFits.com          Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Our Country's 20 Greatest Threats

        For several months, I have been writing and revising what I consider the most critical threats facing our great country.  Here they are in order of the most critical threats.

1.  Losing freedom of speech – Banning Conservative       speech and so-called hate speech.  – Even social media   is taking away free speech.

2.  Political correctness – Could take away our First     Amendment rights including freedom of speech – All   words have meaning & none should be banned.

3.  Control of schools by radical left – 90% are teaching   Marxism and socialist propaganda and not the 3 R’s,   history, or civics.

4.  Political apathy – The United States has been the leader   of the free world for over 100 years and people don’t   recognize that could change and we could lose our   freedom.

5.  Globalism - Unfair trade policies, deficit trade balances,   weapons industry, drugs trade, money laundering, and    lost control of medical & military supplies to China.

6.  The radical left changing or eliminating the Constitution,   Government Checks & Balances, the Electoral College,   and using impeachment for political reasons.

7.  Double standard for Rule of Law – No one should be   above the law.

8.  The Ruling Class - Oligarchs & big money controlling our   government.

9.  Corrupt Washington bureaucrats and the Deep State –   Working with no accountability for the ruling class and not   the people.

10.  A lying media selling the left’s propaganda

11.  Growing government & government debt – One of the
       greatest fears of out founding fathers.

12.  Open boarders & sanctuary cities

13.  Loss of Second Amendment rights – This has nothing        to do with hunting.

14.  Party politics & corrupt politicians- Many POITICIANS        will do anything to stay in office, including using race to      divide the country. 

15.  Socialism/Marxism – This is the ultimate end goal of the     left.

16.  Religious freedoms of Christians being taken away.

17.  Rising health care costs created by insurance companies and government.

18.  Declining work ethic, declining family values, and         increased welfare – Some urban areas have a 3rd                generation of welfare.

19.  War with Islam – This has nothing to do with race and is     a religious war fighting to convert the world by any     
      means necessary.

20.  Lost financial security due to the insecurity of personal        and home devices.

21.  COVID-19 or some other virus

22.  Nuclear war

     I listed 22 threats because I did not want to give the impression that I forgot the Wuhan virus or nuclear war which did not make my top 20 dangers.  I will be addressing each of these dangers individually in the future. 

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump. 
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.
Ava Armstrong.       

http://BusinessFits.com          Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.