Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Control of Schools

      I listed the radical Left’s control of schools as the third greatest threat facing this country.  Our universities today are more about indoctrination than education, and it gets worse every year.

        When I was in college in the late 60s and early 70s we had a few radical Left professors advocating socialist ideas.  They were in the minority then and most of us just laughed them off.  Some of these professors even penalized students who openly disagreed with them.  I did not mind the few socialist professors as I felt a university should expose students to opposing ideas. 

        I have a BBA and an MBA, but I have always been critical of higher education.  In the MBA program, we were taught how to be president of General Motors, when in actuality most of us would maybe run a Ford dealership.  Political agendas should never have been part of the class.

        Three things I felt higher education did were teach how to find information, evaluate that information, and make educated decisions based on the facts.  Emotion and political agenda should never be a consideration.

        Today over 90% of our university professors are far left and teaching Marxism. In most universities, educators with conservative views will never be given tenure.  People with conservative views are no longer allowed to teach or even speak on campus.

        The Left shreds the First Amendment by only allowing free speech when it expresses their radical agenda.  They try to disguise their efforts to prohibit free speech by saying it is about political correctness or stopping hate speech.          This radical agenda is very obvious in people coming out of journalism schools.  The lame-stream media no longer reports the news.

        The Left has done an excellent job of hijacking our education system.  It has now filtered down to our high schools and elementary schools.  Education is now more about propaganda and indoctrination, and less about teaching the basics like reading, writing, math, history, and civics. 

        When the facts don’t fit the Left’s agenda, they use emotion to sell their propaganda.  This is very obvious when looking at today’s protestors who are actually anarchists and criminals.  These protests have nothing to do with black lives. 

        Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”  That statement was never truer than today when we have let our universities turn into indoctrination camps for the left. 

        American patriots have been negligent in letting the radical Marxist left take over our education system.  Why should any state funded school receive money from taxpayers when their agenda is to divide and destroy this great country?  We must turn this around or all our freedoms will be lost. 


God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.


Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump. 

If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.

Ava Armstrong.


http://BusinessFits.com   Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. 


1 comment:

  1. The fifth paragraph in this blog, quoted below, comes without any substantiation. Appears to be pure fiction.

    "Today over 90% of our university professors are far left and teaching Marxism. In most universities, educators with conservative views will never be given tenure. People with conservative views are no longer allowed to teach or even speak on campus."
