Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Critical Race Theory

 Critical Race Theory is a theory that assumes:

·       There is systemic racism in America

·       There is white supremacy

·       America is evil

·       Racial sensitivity training is needed

·       Anti-racism training is needed

·       History should be erased or rewritten 

Anti-racism and racial sensitivity training started in our universities and has spread throughout our education system.  Many corporations and our government have also implemented this training.  It has even been taught in our military.  These racial divides in the military could cost lives in combat when people must depend and trust their comrades in arms.

Racism training is destructive.   It  does not make  anyone feel better about themselves.  It tells whites they are privileged and tells  blacks they are inferior.   It  portrays American history  as evil.  It advocates restitution to blacks because of the history of slavery.

Saying history shows America to be evil and racist is asinine.  We fought a civil war to eliminate slavery.  364,000 Union solders died during the Civil War.  This war was a terrible price to pay for freeing the slaves.  This shows why America is so great and the stronghold of freedom in the world.

Nothing good can come of this racial sensitivity training.  It can only further divide our country by race.  The radical Left wants to divide the country along racial lines for political power.  That is why they are paying rioters to burn down our cities and shout “Death to America.”   The radical left has taken over the Democratic Party.  We can’t allow them to achieve their Marxist goal.

These so-called protests give anarchists an excuse to destroy our country.  Anarchists are basically cowards that like to work in the dark as a mob.  This is not the first time anarchists have tried to destroy our country and it will not be the last. 

We remembered the heroes of 9/11 last week.  True patriots like the forty passengers of Flight 93 made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.  People like this are one reason the Marxists and anarchists will never destroy America.

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.


Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump. 

If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.

Ava Armstrong.


http://BusinessFits.com   Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. 


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