Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Talk is Cheap

    Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words.  We have a Presidential election in a few weeks.  It is a very interesting election in several ways. 

       Biden is a typical career politician.  He is all talk and no history of action or success.  The only thing he has been successful at is accumulating wealth for himself and his family.  Trump donates his entire salary to charity. 

       Biden has been on the wrong side of every foreign policy decision during his entire career.  The Paris Climate Agreement was nothing more than a plan for wealth redistribution, and the Iran deal was a disgrace.

       Trump’s foreign policy uses simple communication from a position of strength.  He has made us energy independent, rebuilt the military, and produced a booming economy before the China virus.  It is no wonder he has been nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize.

       Most of Biden’s plan for dealing with the China virus is promising to do everything Trump is already doing.  The biggest danger of spreading the China virus is travel.  Trump shut down travel from China and Europe early.  Biden called him a racist for doing this.  How many lives would Biden have cost if he had been President?

     Trump is accused of being racist when he had done more for blacks and all minorities than any President since Lincoln.  Biden’s talk is about uniting the country while his history clearly shows he was and is a segregationist.  Democrats continue to divide the country on race with hopes of keeping the black vote.  More and more blacks are coming to the conclusion that Democrats are just using them and not working in their best interests.

       Sadly, most of us expect politicians to lie.  I used to laugh about Obama’s “tell” when he was going to say what he knew was a lie.  When he started out with “Let me make this perfectly clear,” you knew he was going to tell a lie. 

       Biden’s campaign promises have been lies for his whole 47 year political career.  Trump has kept every campaign promise.  This is infuriating for the establishment, because they can’t buy or control him.

      Talk is cheap and Biden’s talk of a plan does not jive with his history.  Trump actions speak for themselves.  Trump has done more for ALL Americans in the last 47 months than Biden has done in 47 years.  Don’t be taken in by hollow promises. 

        President Trump is in the hospital with the China virus and he is still doing more work than Biden.  Biden spent much of the year hiding in his basement bunker, while Trump ran the country and campaigned. 


God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.


Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump. 

If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.

Ava Armstrong.


http://BusinessFits.com   Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. 


  1. You talk a lot about all the "Great" things Trump has done, yet you never given an actual example of what he has done. Even if he donates his $400,000 salary evading $160M+ in taxes seems as though he is stealing from the American people. Think of how much good could be done in school all over this nation with that kind of money.

  2. Reading these blog posts is not any different than watching Hannity on FOX. Same quotes and exaggerations. Little originality.

    The easiest exaggeration to dispel is the claim Trump shut down travel from China and Europe. He did not. The China restrictions only applied to foreign nationals. In excess of 40,000 passengers still flew to the U.S. from China following the partial restriction. This is after 390,000 had come to the U.S. after the first virus infection was noted in China.

    European travel was also not shut down. Thousands of U.S. citizens rushed home following the announcement to crowded, unprepared airports in major cities like Chicago and New York. Citizens of the UK and Ireland were also permitted to travel. There were no restrictions for that travel, nor testing or distancing that would have prevented the virus from spreading. Major outbreaks in those two cities would escalate. Even worse there had been nearly two million travelers to the U.S. from Europe in the month prior to the restrictions. This was at a time when infections were raging all over Europe.

    The other obvious lie in this post regard Trump’s campaign promise to build a border wall and that Mexico would pay for it. Neither has happened. And don’t say the new trade deal pays for a wall. It has only recently gone into effect.

    And today we learn the U.S. trade deficit is the highest it has been since 2006.

    Enough inuendo. Bloggers should present some facts to support the FOX opinions they present.
