Tuesday, December 29, 2020


         An Oligarchy is a form of government in which power is held by a few individuals or a small class of powerful people.  A Plutocracy is more specific and more closely resembles where our country is currently headed.        A Plutocracy is a form of Oligarchy where all the power is held by a few very wealthy individuals.  This is a system of government that is indebted to, dependent on, and totally influenced by these few billionaires.

        Plutocratic control changes any form of government. In our case of a Democratic Republic, a significant number of elected representatives, bureaucrats, news media, universities, and a political party are dependent upon financial support from a few super rich, making it a Plutocratic Republic.

        This is what has happened to our great country.  A dozen or so billionaires control our government.  These few billionaires are globalists who are motivated by money and power.  Some, like George Sorrows, are just plain evil.  Money and political control come first.  None give a rat’s ass about the American working people. 

        President Trump and the American people were the last obstacles to this Plutocratic takeover.  Trump was a real threat that had to be eliminated.  They had to win by any means necessary. 

        The Russian hoax and the impeachment joke were designed to make people distrust and hate Trump.  Voter polls were manipulated to hurt the President. 

        Universities have been teaching Marxism and racial division for decades.  They have promoted violence in the streets.  When the left does not have a coherent argument, they resort to bricks, arson, and looting.   This violence in the street was created to hurt President Trump.

        The lame-stream media is a bunch of talking bobble heads repeating the lies they are given.  I can’t understand why anyone would watch CNN or MSNBC.  They have not reported an honest news story in the last five years.  Social media helped spread the lies and hid the truth. 

        The China virus pandemic hurt President Trump as it killed the greatest economy in history.  Trump did a fantastic job, but it still is tough on the Americans. 

        With all this going against President Trump, the billionaires thought they could push Biden/Harris to a win, but they underestimated the American people’s love of Trump and had to resort to voter fraud.

        Why are the American people allowing this “stolen” election to stand?



God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.


Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump. 

If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.

Ava Armstrong.


http://BusinessFits.com   Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. 

1 comment:

  1. To answer the question posed at the end of this blog, the American people believe in the election results. A substantial majority voted for Biden and a substantial majority of electors did too based on the certified elections in all states and D.C. Neither the public, the courts or this blog have presented any evidence of fraud in the election.

    The COVID-19 virus hurt Trump because he did little to combat the spread. It has not only hurt the economy but has killed 335,000 Americans.

    Russia did interfere in the 2016 election. Members of the Trump campaign did collude with Russians but collusion is not a crime. There was insufficient evidence to prove a conspiracy. There was substantial evidence of obstruction of justice by a president but could not result in charges while in office.

    Trump was impeached and will be an impeached president forever. He will also leave office a legitimate loser.
