Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Cyber Security

        The Democrats are now trying to imply that Russian cyber hacking helped elect Trump.  I am sick of this BS.  Russia may have hacked e-mails, but there is certainly no evidence Russia or any other country electronically changed votes.  Hillary lost because the people of this country were fed up with the political elite and the corrupt politicians.
        Our new high tech communications are great and very convenient, but we should never deceive ourselves that they are totally secure.  I define high-tech as something that is always changing.  Security and hackers are also continually changing. 
        Years ago, my mother was in a nursing home.  I needed some of her information from Social Security.  I was told they could not give it to me.  I explained that I had her full Power of Attorney.  They said that did not make any difference.  I took the Power of Attorney and went to a Social Security office in person.  I was still told I could not get the information.  I went home, got on the computer, and had the information in less than ten minutes.  Anybody could have gotten the information, because I am certainly no computer expert.
        Electronic security is and always will be a problem.  We also have the human problem.  We have had a Secretary of State use a private server with only minimal security, and with the knowledge of the State Department and the White House.  This is ridiculous.
        Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, John Podesta, used the password “password”.  This is just plain ignorant.  Any middle school kid could have hacked his e-mails.  It didn’t require Russian expertise.
        The Democratic National Committee’s e-mails were leaked by WikiLeaks, which claims they didn’t come from Russia or any other State.  I don’t know and personally I don’t care.  Did the American people have a right to see them?  I think we did because I am sick of the lack of transparency of our government and the corrupt tactics of the political elite.  The lame stream media certainly will not do any investigative reporting that does not fit their political agenda.
        Some liberals say Russia is not playing by the rules if they tried to influence our election.  What rules?  We overthrow dictators and finance revolutions all over the world. The United States tries to influence elections all the time.  We spent millions trying to defeat Netanyahu in Israel’s last Prime Minister Election. 
        Does Russia try to hack into our e-mails?  Of course they do, as we try to hack theirs and every other country on the globe.  Let’s get real.  This is part of the intelligence. 
        Our government intelligence community is not perfect and never will be.  Our leaders should not take everything they say at face value.  That has gotten us into trouble and caused wars in the past.  The biggest problem is how political many government agencies including the intelligence community have become.  Intelligence facts must not be intentionally interpreted to support political agendas. 
        Our government intelligence community is huge and includes more than just the FBI and CIA.  It includes sixteen separate agencies.  Is this necessary or realistic?  Leaking intelligence reports to the media and political parties before giving it to the President Elect or the intelligence committee in Congress is much worse than leaking some political e-mails.  At times in our history, this would have been considered treason.  Now the political elite and the media accept it if it fits their agenda. 
        James Clapper is the Director of National Intelligence.  The facts show that he intentionally lied about both Benghazi and National Security Agency data mining.  He even lied to Congress about the NSA surveillance.  Were these lies in the interest of national security or just political?  These facts make uncomfortable accepting his conclusions about Russia cyber attacks without hard facts, and the declassified report does not give any facts.
        The leadership of these sixteen intelligence agencies need to be fired and/or prosecuted if they have a political agenda.  This should be true for all government agencies and bureaucrats.  The actions of the IRS, EPA, Department of Education, and others are just as bad. 
        I hope and pray the next four years return us to law and order, and the Constitution.  God bless America.  Let’s make America great again. 

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