Tuesday, January 3, 2017

United Nations

        Trump said it is time to drain the swamp, a necessary step to take the federal government back from the political elite.  It is also necessary for the United Nations.
        The League of Nations was formed in January of 1920 as part the Paris Peace Conference at the end of the First World War.  Its main objective was to maintain world peace.  Other objectives were human rights, labor conditions, human and drug trafficking, arms trade, global health, prisoners of war, and protection of minorities.  It had 44 countries when formed, and 58 countries were members at its peak.  The headquarters were located in Geneva, Switzerland.  World War II led to its downfall and it was dissolved in 1948.
        The United Nations replaced The League of Nations after World War II.  It was founded with 51 nations and now has 193 member nations.  Five permanent members of the UN Security Council have veto power.  These five countries are: United States, United Kingdom, Russia, China, and France.  The UN is located in New York City and the United States pays over 22% of all expenses.
        The United Nations’ stated objectives are the same as The League Nations were, but has become less and less effective.  Its current objective is to establish a world government, economy, and currency.  The strategy is world-wide wealth redistribution. 
        The UN has done everything in its power to achieve this goal.  They have proposed resolutions to remove all guns from the public.  They have funded studies intended to show man-made carbon emissions were causing global warming.  To date, these studies have all been bogus.  The Climate Gate scandal first exposed the manipulation and outright fraud of data in the UN funded climate studies.  The UN’s proposed solutions to global warming are clearly more about world-wide wealth redistribution than they are about carbon emissions. 
        I can understand why all the second and third world country members favor this.  They want what America has and don’t want to have to work for it, much like our welfare system that enslaves generations to welfare.
        The United Nations ignores mass killings and human rights violations all over the world, but just passed a resolution prohibiting Israel’s settlement of the West Bank.  This resolution seriously hampers any peace talks.  The United States abstained from voting, when we should have vetoed the motion. 
        President Obama has never liked Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Netanyahu has never had any respect for Obama.  Is this Obama’s way of getting even?  Maybe, but I think it is more likely that Obama is doing everything he can to put President-Elect Trump in an impossible situation.  It will be almost impossible for Trump to reverse this resolution. 
        This slap in the face to Israel is just one more example of Obama’s eight years of failed foreign policy.  It is a bad decision and may lead to war in the Middle East, but it is not the worst Obama foreign policy disaster.  The Iran deal and Syria are even worse. 
        We have to regain the respect of the world.  America is not even involved with the Syria peace negotiations, but we have been invited to participate once Trump takes office.  No one wants Obama involved.
        It is definitely time to reform or replace the United Nations.  With its present agenda, it has outlived its usefulness.  Why should we contribute 22% of the cost when it continually tries to hurt America?  Charles Krauthammer mentioned that the United Nations sits on some prime Manhattan real estate and Trump should turn it into some great condos.  That may be a little extreme, but something has to change with the United Nations.
        God bless America.  Let’s make America great again. 

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