Tuesday, March 14, 2017

My Seven Greatest Fears

        On January 18, 2012 I started Common Sense, Business & Politics.  My first blog listed my seven greatest fears for our country.   They were:
1.  Party Politics and corrupt politicians, as many politicians will do anything to stay in office.  Staying in office is more important than working for the good of the country. 
2.  Growing government, government spending, and government debt are out of control. 
3.  Deficit trade balances increase as manufacturing declines.
4.  Immigration problems increase as not one President in more than 40 years has enforced our immigration laws
5.  Health care costs are out of control as politicians try to solve a problem created by insurance with insurance.
6.  Religious freedoms of Christians are being taken away, and we have a problem dealing with radical Islamic terrorists.
7.  We have a work ethic problem, and government education and welfare policies have created a welfare society that is now in its third generation in some urban areas. 
        More than five years have passed and this great country has voiced its opinion that they agree with me.  They ignored the political elite, big money, and the lame stream media to elect a president that said he would do something about these problems. 
        President Donald Trump has done more to address the seven concerns I listed in the last fifty days than was accomplished in the last five years.

        God bless the United States of America.  God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

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