Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Congressional Investigations

        I am sick and tired of Congress wasting time and taxpayer money on investigations that are irrelevant or never reach a conclusion.  Congress often wastes time on things like sports.  Sports are entertainment and should not concern Congress. 
        When they do investigate something important like Benghazi, Fast & Furious, or Hilary Clinton’s e-mails, nothing ever happens.  The lame stream media makes a big deal out of Congressional investigations, but they are a joke.  Everybody lies, evades the questions, or takes the 5th and no one is ever held accountable. 
        Some people testifying before Congress commit perjury with no fear of consequences.  People might be held in Contempt of Congress, but, again nothing happens.  Everyone continues to go about their business with no consequences.
        On occasion, someone resigns from their job, but they still receive all their benefits and pension.  That is how the political elite reward them for helping with the cover-up. 
        Benghazi is a great example of how Congress wastes its time.  After months of hearings, we never found out who made the call to have the military stand down.  We never found out who gave the order to blame the attack on a video, well after they knew it was a terrorist attack.  All that time and money was wasted, and they never got answers to the two most relevant questions. 
        The investigations are wrapped up in partisan politics and seem to have nothing to do with getting to the truth or holding anyone accountable.  Senators and Representatives of both parties primary objective is to protect the members of their party and criticize the other party.  Sometimes I think members of Congress just want to hear themselves talk. 
        The FBI and the Department of Justice should be the ones responsible for investigating these alleged crimes.   These investigations must not be influenced by politics, and   investigations must also be timely.  When they drag on for months and years, the lame stream assumes guilt, especially if it involves a conservative.  If President Trump is involved, it is even worse.  He could find a cure for cancer and the media would still say he did something wrong. 
        People have to be held accountable for their actions and crimes in a timely manner.  We must stop giving politicians a free pass.        
        God bless the United States of America.  God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

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