Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Deconstruction of Government

        I don’t often quote Nancy Pelosi except to make fun of her, but she did get something right last week.  She said that the health care bill which was passed by the House last week was the “deconstruction of government.”
        We need a lot more deconstruction of the federal government.  A vote for Donald Trump for President was in large part a vote for a reduction in the size and control of the federal government and against the political elite. 
        I don’t like the health care bill, personally, because the federal government is trying to fix a problem caused by medical insurance with medical insurance.  Secondly, having the federal government mandate our health care is a clear violation of the 10th Amendment. 
        The new bill is good because it gives people more control over their health care than under Obama Care.  I don’t want insurance companies or the federal government telling me what my options are for my health care.  Obama Care, single payer, or government provided health care, all take away a patient’s freedom of choice. 
        Something had to be done because Obama Care was imploding.  It was not sustainable.  Many people had medical insurance, but because of deductibles, co-pays, and premiums they had no health care.  They were worse off than before. 
        Obama Care always was a plan to increase the size of the federal government and increase control over our lives.  Most politicians knew the promises; “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” and “if you like your insurance company, you can keep your insurance company” were outright lies.
        The federal government needs to be deconstructed a lot more.  A government shut down or downsizing would be a good thing.  I don’t mean cutting back on the things the federal government is responsible for under the Constitution.  This includes things like the military, border control, and law enforcement.  These areas need to be maintained or even increased. 
        The rest of the federal government should be cut by 75%.  I bet we would never know the difference.  This can’t be done all at once, but in stages. 
        A 75% cut would not be enough for some agencies and departments.  Some should be cut 90% to 100%.  The IRS is an example of one that should be cut 90%.  With a good tax plan like the Fair Tax or even a flat tax, a 90% cut would be reasonable. 
        The Department of Education is an example of one that should be cut 100%.  Our children’s education was much better off before there was a Department of Education, when education was the responsibility of the people and the states.  Past heads of the department of the DOE have even stated the department did more harm than good.  School test scores and world ranking have dropped in direct relation to the increase in federal spending on education.  Now politicians want the federal government to spend even more.  Sounds like the definition of insanity to me. 
        This deconstruction of government may sound radical, but is certainly justified by history, our Constitution, and the 10th Amendment which reads: 

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are      reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
        God bless the United States of America.  God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.


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