Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Heart Attack

         I hadn’t written a post for this week because I had a couple distractions.  I am 73 years old and thought I was in good health.  I had never even taken any prescription medications. 
        Last Wednesday and Thursday I had what I thought was some bad indigestion and some bouts of sweating;  I did the antacid and Alka-Seltzer routine.   I now know I was having a heart attack.  Marla kept asking me if I wanted to go to the hospital.  Even our dog was trying to tell me I was in trouble, by clinging to my every move.
        Since I have been blessed with such good health, I am big on getting a good night’s sleep and trusting that everything will be good in the morning.  If I had gone to bed Thursday night, I might not be writing this.
        About 9:00 PM I finally let Marla take me to the Emergency at Lakeveiw in Rice Lake.  I told them my symptoms.  I had some pain in my left arm and left side of my neck by then.  I was rushed into an exam room where two people started an initial exam.  They gave some kind exclamation and the room immediately was filled with what seemed to be about eight people.  Everyone knew exactly what they were doing and a helicopter was ordered to transport me to Sacred Heart hospital in Eau Claire
        After I arrived in Eau Claire, one of the EMTs on the helicopter called Marla to let her know that I had made it to Sacred Heart and was in surgery.  The surgery to put a stent in my heart was a success. 
        The nurses checked on me every 15 minutes that night, and about 4:00 AM my femoral artery, where they had gone in, sprung a leak.  As soon as it was discover, my room filled with people again.  Everyone knew exactly what they were doing. 
        I spent Friday in the hospital and was released on Saturday.  I will have some rehab, but feel good.  Thanks to Marla and all the medical staff who saved my life. 
        Being in good health does not make you invincible.  Unknown health problem can kill you.  Learn the signs of a heart attack and listen to your loved ones. 


1 comment:

  1. Terry,

    Glad things worked out. It's a scary proposition, staring death in the face like you did. Blessings to Marla and the medical staff for their persistent encouragement (badgering??) and quick work. Cardiac rehab isn't so bad and you'll be just fine. Might have to change your diet some though:) Blessings to you all.

