Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Limits on Legislation

        In July of 2013 I did a blog on Limited Government.  The number one concern of our founding fathers was our federal government getting too big, without any checks and balances.  The Constitution clearly defines what things are the responsibility of the states and which are the responsibility of the federal government.  We have ignored this division of power.  The federal government has become  power hungry and out of control.  
There needs to be limits to the length of any bill proposed in Congress.  Members of Congress don’t even read a bill before passing it, but with a 2,400 page bill, like Obama Care, most legislators will not read it.  I would like to see a fifty page maximum for any bill.  Think what this would achieve.  Legislators would actually be able read a bill before voting on it. 
        All earmarks have to be eliminated.  Every piece of legislation should be a single issue voted on for its own merits, with no bundling of unrelated issues.  No deals would be made for votes by adding earmarks.  We cannot legislate every possible situation anyway, so there would have to be some common sense interpreting the bill.  I know some of you think advocating the use of common sense in government is an oxymoron, but we must try. 
        In the Creative Financing chapter or my book, Business Fits, I address the need to keep documents simple.  I mention an investor agreement that my attorney drafted that was fourteen legal pages long, making it was too long and too intimidating. I revised the agreement to one 8 ½ x 11 page document with room for signatures, and gave it back to him.  He admitted the one page revision covered everything needed and approved it. 
        Pelosi’s proposed stimulus bill for the COVID-19 relief was over 1400 pages long and contained earmarks for things like the Green New Deal which were totally unrelated and never could pass on their own.  I find this kind of partisan politics unethical, moral, and disgusting. 
We must observe the Constitution and clean up the legislation that Congress passes.  If it needs an attorney to interpret it, it should be rewritten.

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump.            
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.
Ava Armstrong.       
http://BusinessFits.com          Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Good From COVID-19

        The Coronavirus pandemic is terrible, and people die, but there are some good things that will come from it.  I hope we have learned a lot about how to handle a pandemic, because we will have more of them and probably more deadly ones in the future.
·  We learned how and when to shut down our boarders and air travel.  
·  Our youth learned they are not immune and invincible.
· Our medical profession is learning how to deal with the pandemic.  They are leaning how to triage patients so the system is not overwhelmed.
·   We learned that we must be self-sufficient as a country.  We can not be dependent on imports for medical supplies. 
·  Private industry learned how to adapt to fill the needs of the country just as the American automobile industry played a major role in winning WWII.
· Both private and public sectors learned about the importance of national security.  I like the story about the New York mob who told the President that they would take care of security of the New York harbor during WWII.
·  We are learning how to deal with economic impact and recovery. 
·  We learned that business is not totally dependent on travel for face-to-face meetings.  They are too expensive and inefficient in many cases. 
·  I hope and pray our politicians have learned to work together.  I am sick of partisan politics.  Trump was accused of being a racist when he first restricted travel and later he was accused of reacting too slowly.  Politicians who criticize everything our President does and only wants power to advance their liberal agenda.  They don’t care about the American people.

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump.             
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.
Ava Armstrong.       
http://BusinessFits.com          Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


        It is time for some common sense.  The history of the world includes the Plague, the Black Death, the Spanish flu, smallpox, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, H1N1 in 2009, and many other pandemics.  We will see more. 
        The United States and the world health organizations are doing a great job controlling the spread of the  Coronavirus.  The other problem is that to be the media and the politicians are blowing the story out of proportion for ratings and political gain. 
        We all need to use common sense.  Stay home if you are sick.  Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough.  Avoid unnecessary international travel and air travel in general.  The most important thing you must do is WASH YOUR HANDS. 
        It is true that Coronavirus has and will cause death, but put things in perspective.  The flue kills more people every year and people still don’t get the flu shot.  Drugs kill even more people and some idiots still advocate for open borders where the majority of the drugs enter our country.  Use of cell phones while driving even kills more people, but people still do it.
            Use some common sense.  Don’t panic.  Buying a year’s supply of toilet paper is not a solution.  That is just idiotic.

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump.             
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.
Ava Armstrong.       
http://BusinessFits.com          Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Incompetent Government

        I have often recommended watching the Tucker Carlson Tonight show.  I quote his opening monolog from
Friday, 2/21/2020:

The story of American decline is the story of an incompetent ruling class.  We will hear many self-serving explanations for it, but the truth is it is that simple.  The people in charge inherited an industrial super power with unchallenged military dominance. 

In a little more than a generation, they squandered all of it. They exchanged for short-term profits, bigger vacation homes, cheaper household help.  They wrecked what they did not build.  They outsourced entire sectors of our economy to China.  They imported a surf class to drive down wages and they crippled the middle class while doing it.

They ran up trillions in unpayable debt.  They turned the finest universities in the world into a joke. They watched from their decadent little bubble of affluence as families, faith, and public decency died in this country, and they laughed because they didn’t care. 

How people this awful wound up in charge of a nation as great as ours is a question historians will have to answer and they will someday, but at this point it is clear the population has grown tired of it.  Donald Trump’s election is one clear sign of that.  The rise of Bernie Sanders is another.

The ruling class, in other words, is losing its grip on power and they can feel it.  They can smell it.  It terrifies them.  Their first response was denial.  It always is.  They retreated into fantasy.  Why can’t we just elect Joe Biden and make it 2009 again.  That didn’t work and when it didn’t, they reverted to their governing instinct which is authoritarianism.  They stopped trying to convince the public of anything and instead decided to scare them.  Fearful people are easier to control. 

We saw it on the front page of their newspaper, The New York Times.  “Lawmakers Are Warned That Russia Is Meddling to
Re-Elect Trump” read the headline.  Inside the story there was nothing, no evidence, no detail, not even a coherent set of accusations.  But, it was enough to alert the morons on cable news that it was time to do their job which is, now and always, to run interference for the people in charge…

          I do disagree with one thing from Tucker’s monolog.  It
 may be more of a corrupt government than an incompetent

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump.             
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.
Ava Armstrong.       
http://BusinessFits.com          Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.