have often recommended watching the Tucker Carlson Tonight show. I quote his opening monolog from
Friday, 2/21/2020 :
The story of American decline
is the story of an incompetent ruling class.
We will hear many self-serving explanations for it, but the truth is it
is that simple. The people in charge
inherited an industrial super power with unchallenged military dominance.
In a little more than a
generation, they squandered all of it. They exchanged for short-term profits,
bigger vacation homes, cheaper household help.
They wrecked what they did not build.
They outsourced entire sectors of our economy to China . They imported
a surf class to drive down wages and they crippled the middle class while doing
They ran up trillions in
unpayable debt. They turned the finest
universities in the world into a joke. They watched from their decadent little
bubble of affluence as families, faith, and public decency died in this
country, and they laughed because they didn’t care.
How people this awful wound
up in charge of a nation as great as ours is a question historians will have to
answer and they will someday, but at this point it is clear the population has
grown tired of it. Donald Trump’s
election is one clear sign of that. The
rise of Bernie Sanders is another.
The ruling class, in other
words, is losing its grip on power and they can feel it. They can smell it. It terrifies them. Their first response was denial. It always is.
They retreated into fantasy. Why
can’t we just elect Joe Biden and make it 2009 again. That didn’t work and when it didn’t, they
reverted to their governing instinct which is authoritarianism. They stopped trying to convince the public of
anything and instead decided to scare them.
Fearful people are easier to control.
We saw it on the front page
of their newspaper, The New York Times.
“Lawmakers Are Warned That Russia Is Meddling to
Re-Elect Trump” read the headline.
Inside the story there was nothing, no evidence, no detail, not even a
coherent set of accusations. But, it was
enough to alert the morons on cable news that it was time to do their job which
is, now and always, to run interference for the people in charge…
I do disagree with one thing from
Tucker’s monolog. It
may be more of a corrupt government than an
God bless President
Trump and guide him to make America great again.
did not bring division. Division brought
If you don’t see that, then you’re
part of the problem.
Ava Armstrong.
http://BusinessFits.com Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or
a paperback.
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