Tuesday, February 25, 2020

What Happened to the Tea Parties?

        Marla and I attended our first Tea Party in Shell Lake, Wisconsin on Saturday, September 19, 2009.  It was held in a park and it was a beautiful fall day.  We took lawn chairs and our dog Skygge. 
        We had made up some signs which hung on cords around our necks.  Marla’s said “No Gov-Run Healthcare.”  My sign was “No Earmarks.”
        At the end of the scheduled speakers, they asked if anyone wanted to make a short presentation.  I went up to the podium and gave a short talk on eliminating earmarks from legislation. 
        Sean Duffy had been one of scheduled speakers.  He was making his first run for Wisconsin’s 7th District U.S. Congressional seat.  After my talk, he found me and asked for a copy of my talk against earmarks. 
        It is hard to believe it has been over a decade since that Tea Party.  We attended other Tea Parties after that first one in Shell Lake, and I was a scheduled speaker at several. 
        The Tea Parties were always well organized and peaceful.  They were never racist or sexist in any way as the lame-stream media tried to present them.  There was never any damage to property.  Every scrap of trash was picked up after an event.
        The establishment and Deep State did everything possible to stop the Tea Party movement.  The IRS even targeted Tea Party organizations, but Tea Parties continued because the American people were fed up with the Washington establishment that ignored working Americans.
        We don’t have Tea Party rallies today.  The closest thing is a Trump rally, and they are amazing.  Trump is the best thing that came out of the Tea Party movement. 
        The left also has rallies and demonstrations, but they are the opposite of Tea Parties.  They disrespect any opposing views.  They leave all their trash behind.   They often destroy property and are sometimes violent.  Some groups like ANTFA are an absolute disgrace.  The left justifies this disgraceful behavior by saying they are just passionate about their cause.  Thats no excuse. 
        I am grateful to have experienced the Tea Party movement and the election of Donald Trump as President.  Tea Parties saved this country and have made it greater than ever.

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump.            
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.
Ava Armstrong.       
http://BusinessFits.com          Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. 

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