Tuesday, July 13, 2021


 There was a time when liberals stood for:

·       Love, not hate

·       Law and order

·       Racial equality

·       Parental rights

·       Election integrity

·       Secure boarders

·       Personal freedom

·       Legal immigration

·       A good work ethic

·       Religious freedom

·       Traditional families

·       Freedom of speech

·       Personal responsibility

·       Equal justice under the law

·       The Constitution and Bill of Right

·       Love for our great country and the flag

·       Educators that did not teach political propaganda

·       Educators that taught history, critical thinking &                  debate

·       Journalists that reported facts and not political                  agendas


        I believe in all these things, and I think most liberals still do too.   Most liberals are Democrats, but the Democratic Party no longer supports these ideas.  Why have Democrats allowed the radical Left to take over the Democratic Party with a Marxist agenda?

        Marxist’s are trying to destroy our country in order to achieve the goal of a Marxist government.  They are using race, open borders, and government overreach to destroy the country.

        We need liberals and a Democratic Party, but rational liberals have to take back control of their party.  If they don’t we will become a Marxist nation or the Democratic Party will cease to be a major political force.  The American people will not stand for another Biden/Harris joke in the Executive branch.



Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com


1 comment:

  1. That’s an interesting listing in this week’s blog, although not sure of the relevance of some of the items.

    Further research reveals definitions and beliefs for liberals, conservatives and Markism.
    LIBERAL – willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one’s own, open to new ideas.

    Beliefs include civil rights, human rights, democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, a market economy and secularism.

    Secularism is defined as the principle of separation of the state from religious institutions.

    CONSERVATIVE – adverse to change or innovation and holding traditional values.

    Traditional values are considered to be the moral and ethical such as fidelity, faith, honesty and truth.

    Fidelity is faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support.
    Faith is complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
    Honesty and truth are well defined.

    Beliefs include individual freedom, limited government, the rule of law, peace through strength, fiscal responsibility, free markets and human dignity.

    MARKISM – Here’s the opening paragraph from Wikipedia

    Marxism is a method of socioeconomic analysis that uses a materialist interpretation of historical development, better known as historical materialism, to understand class relations and social conflict as well as a dialectical perspective to view social transformation. It originates from the works of 19th-century German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. As Marxism has developed over time into various branches and schools of thought, there is currently no single definitive Marxist theory.

    In looking at these definitions it is hard to see the connection between liberals, the Democratic Party and a Marxist agenda.
