Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Goal of Islam

        Why does the White House avoid the words "Islamic Terrorists"?  Why can't we Identify this enemy?  Why are we losing the war on terror?  Why are terrorist attacks around the world growing in numbers?  How can we protect ourselves from Islamic Terrorists?  Some of the answers are obvious, but not politically correct.  
    Many words and descriptions may be offensive, but accurately describe a situation.  Banning the use of these words is just burying our heads in the sand.  This misguided political correctness only makes the problem worse.       
      The argument that alienating Muslims will promote radical Islam is certainly proven wrong with the recent bombings in Belgium.   Belgium is as friendly to Muslims as any country could be that does not have Islam as a state mandated religion. 
     We have taken political correctness to such an extreme that we no longer have freedom of speech.  It is impossible to accurately describe the Islamic religion and still be politically correct.  what liberals call freedom of speech does not allow anyone to say anything that could possibly offend anyone.
      There are exceptions. It is okay to bash conservatives, Republicans, and Christians.  Christians are prohibited from expressing their religion in any way that might offend anyone from another religion.  This is denying a right guaranteed in the First Amendment.  But Muslims are allowed prayer time in some schools.
       Our enemies in WWII were Germany and Japan.  After their defeat, democratic governments similar to the U.S. were implemented in those countries and both thrive today.  This same approach does not work in Muslim countries.  
      We went to war in Iraq and Afghanistan.  These wars may or may not have been justified, but the consequence was a destabilization of the Middle East.  There was no viable exit plan. 
        Constitutions were adopted that were modeled after our Constitution with a couple changes.  Islam was made the official state religion and Sharia Law was recognized.  Neither are compatible or workable with our Constitution.  What idiot thought this could ever work?
       We must recognize the basics of the Islamic religion.  There are few similarities with other religions.  If we try to reason with Muslims with the same love and compassion we accept, we will lose.  We have to understand what the religion teaches. 
       The Koran clearly states that Islam is not a religion of peace, but many try to interpret it as such.  Verses like “Fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war.” are hard to misinterpret.
       The objective of Islam is very clear.  History shows an unwavering goal of world domination by any means.  We can look as far back as the Crusades.  Many great statesmen like Thomas Jefferson, Winston Churchill, and Andrew McCarthy make the goal of Islam quite clear.  McCarthy was the lead prosecutor of the blind sheik and 11 others for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
       We must be realistic about the goal of Islam. We can look at Isis, al Qaeda, Hamas, or the Muslim Brotherhood.  The objective is always the same.  We must deal with the reality of Islam. 
      We don’t want an official state religion.  Allah clearly states that it is the duty of all Muslims to wage jihad until Islam and Sharia Law are established world wide.   
       We protect and cherish personal civil liberties.  Islam considers woman as property, and the penalty for   homosexuality is death.  We try to protect woman and children, and Islam terrorists use them as suicide bombers.  Islamic fighters use schools and hospitals as bases for artillery because they know we try to avoid civilian casualties. 
       We give terrorists the benefit of our legal system, and avoid enhanced interrogation methods.  They behead people.  There is a saying, “Don’t take a knife to a gun fight.”  We are taking on Islamic bombs with talking. 

        Islam is using our ignorance of their objective and our Christian morality to their advantage this misguided political correctness this misguided political correctness and laughing at how naive we are.  We have to wake up before we have widespread terror and Sharia Law in this county. 

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