Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Governors & Lockdowns

        Much of our country has lived through some kind of a lockdown or stay-at-home order due to the Wuhan virus.  I am impressed that President Trump has given guidelines, but left individual decisions up to the state governors. 
        The Federal Government has gotten too big and too powerful.  States, counties, and cities need to be making more of the decisions governing our lives.  This is especially true with the Wuhan virus.  States, counties and cities are all different.  There is no one-size-fits-all solution.  
        We have had demonstrations at our Wisconsin state capital because of the poor decisions made by our state’s governor.  I have friends who were part of these protests.  They are responsible adults who were fed up with the Governor. The protests were peaceful, non-destructive demonstrations. 
        Wisconsin’s governor is Tony Evers, who is a liberal Democrat.  He was elected due to the efforts and money of the Wisconsin teacher’s public-sector union and the liberal left cities of Milwaukee and Madison.  I have to admit that I was shocked at his election as I never considered him to be a serious contender. 
        Initially most of the population went along with it when he shut down the economy for health reasons.  But, when he should have been opening up most of the state outside of Milwaukee and Madison, he extended the lockdown for everyone.  People have revolted in many ways.  There were the demonstrations at the capitol, but some people stopped social distancing and wearing masks.  Some businesses have opened and ignored the shutdown. 
        Some state governor’s decisions have been made for purely political power with no regard for the health or well being of their state’s people.  Michigan’s Governor, Gretchen Whitmer is a good example.  She has gone to the extreme left in an attempt to be Joe Biden’s Vice Presidential running mate. 
        Maine’s governor, Janet Mills is another example of going off the rails with a total disregard for the people of her state.  I expect a total disregard for her lockdown.  The people of Maine are fed up with her.
        Governor Evers extending the lockdown backfired.  He lost control and what respect he did have.  The state legislature opposed the one-size-fits-all approach and has taken it to the state supreme court.  The urban areas of Milwaukee and Madison need more restrictions than the rest of the state.
        In our little county, we have only identified six cases of the virus.  There have been zero deaths.  Four of the six are fully recovered and out of quarantine. 
        A care facility was converted to a hospital to provide additional beds when the hospitals became overrun with Wuhan virus cases.  That never happened.  Instead the existing hospitals are furloughing people and almost shutdown because they canceled elective medical procedures. 
        People’s health is being hurt.  People are out of work.  The economy is in shambles.  Government at all levels will be running over budget due to reduced revenue from loss of sales taxes.  It is time to open up the economy and trust the public to take appropriate precautions.  

God bless President Trump and guide him to make America great again.

Trump did not bring division.  Division brought Trump. 
If you don’t see that, then you’re part of the problem.
Ava Armstrong.       
http://BusinessFits.com          Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. 

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