Tuesday, June 29, 2021

CIVID Politics & Money

        We now know the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, and our government has lied to us about everything concerning COVID 19.  Why have they done this?  It’s all about politics and money.  I will talk about some general things we know first and then about my personal experience which you probably have not heard about yet. 


        Big government advocates know that the only way to get people to give up their personal freedoms is by manufacturing a crisis to create a hysterical fear.  COVID 19 has given them this tool.  I am not saying the pandemic was not real.  What I am saying is that the government mandates did not follow the science.

        Democratic governors shutdown the economy and there is zero evidence that this slowed the spread of the virus.  This action killed the greatest economy the world had ever seen closing many small business and devastating many middle-income families.

        Schools closed when the science clearly shows students rarely caught, spread, or got sick from COVID.  The teachers’ unions were exercising their political muscle.  This hurt students in many ways including drug abuse and suicide.  Some will never recover.  Kids from the minority communities were hurt the worst, but that did not bother the Left.


        Now look at the money.  One reason that the government and big tech kept lying to us about the origin of the China virus is that our government, through Dr. Fauci and Goggle, helped fund the Wuhan lab to make this virus so contagious and deadly.

        The lockdowns were great for big business or politically connected businesses that were deemed essential.  They all made record profits.  Billionaires got richer.

        The government bailouts benefited big government as much or more than the people who were hurt the worst, and help came too late for many businesses that will never come back.  Government employees continued to get pay checks.

        The biggest money story is the vaccine.  Big Parma is making billions.  Billionaires are getting richer and new billionaires are created every month.  This greed is what is driving the push to get everyone vaccinated, when the actual science shows many people should never receive the vaccine. 

        People that have had COVID and recovered have a natural immunity and should not be vaccinated.  Anyone under the age of 30 should not be vaccinated.  Some studies show that as high as 25% of young males receiving the vaccine will have heart problems.   The danger of the vaccine is greater than the danger of contracting COVID.


        Now I will tell you about my experience.  I contracted COVID in January.  I had some sweats one night, had a slight fever in the morning and felt like I had a cold for a couple days.  I tested positive and did my quarantine.  No big deal.

        I received my first vaccine in March.  I had a couple hours of chills and headaches for the next few days.  I got my second shot in April.  Same reactions, but more severe and lasted for most of two days.  I thought I was done, but had no idea what was coming.  

        A little less than a month after my second shot, I started to get sick.  I had chills, shakes, tremors, weakness, and shortness of breath.  The symptoms got worse for a couple days.  Eventually, I had extreme shortness of breath and could not go up a flight of stairs without stopping to rest a couple times. 

        I called the triage nurse at the VA hospital and she instructed me to go directly to the emergency room.  I spent most of the day there.  I was given oxygen and IV fluids.  Tests included blood, EKG, and MRI with dyes.  Since I had some prior pulmonary problems they consulted with my pulmonary doctor. 

        I told the emergency room staff that I suspected a delayed reaction to my last vaccine shot.  No one would respond to this in any way.  There was some talk of keeping me overnight, but they finally let me go home with prescriptions for antibiotics and steroids.  After five days of rest and medication, I seemed fine. 

        I had a follow up appointment with my pulmonary doctor.  He felt I was fine at that time.  He agreed with me that it probably was a delayed reaction to the vaccine.  He wants to run more tests and see me this fall.  I was hoping I was done with reacting to the vaccine.  No such luck.

        Last weekend it started again with same symptoms.  They were even more severe.  The tremors were so bad that I could not write, type, or carry a cup of coffee.

        I called triage at the VA again.  I talked the MD into just giving me a new prescription and not going to the emergency room as I was confident it was just another reaction.  She finally agreed and told me that if I did not show improvement with two days of medication, I was to go to the emergency room.  After five days of medication, I am fine again. 

        The VA doctor admitted continuing delayed reactions to the vaccine are fairly common for people that had already had COVID.  I have done some research on it since and learned that they can continue for three or four months, but no one  knows how long. 


        My advice to anyone who has not had the vaccine is simple.  If you are under thirty, DON’T.  If you have already had COVID, DON’T.  If you don’t know if you had COVID, get tested first.  The test is a simple finger prick and quick results.  If you are already immune, DON’T get the vaccine.



Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021


         There are many different definitions of fascism.  Some are so political that they associate it with the right which is ridiculous.  I like the Free Dictionary definition:  “a political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government (as opposed to a democracy or libertarianism.”

ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter are clearly fascist organizations that riot and loot, but are seldom prosecuted for their crimes.  This is ridiculous when they claim to be anti-fascist.

This country is facing a crisis.  Most third world countries are not as blatant as President Biden. He has introduced a policy called National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism.  This policy gives the FBI the authority to attack any of Biden’s opponents and anyone who opposes big government.  The FBI has been doing this illegally for over five years, but now they can do it legally. 

Biden claims this policy is aimed at White Separatists, which basically don’t exist.  They can’t even name one group or individual.  I could name two organizations that definitely qualify as domestic terrorist.

The National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism concentrates on certain areas.  They are:

·       Continuing the Critical Race Theory to further divide this country on race.

·       Go after anyone opposed to big government and authority.

·       Go after anyone who incites violence.  This means anyone who disagrees with an official government is inciting violence.


        If this does not scare you, it should.  Stating your opinion could put you in solitary confinement with no chance for bail.  Don’t think it can’t happen to you.  It is already happening.  Look at the facts around the January 6th Congressional demonstrations.



Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Less is Clearer

        If you want someone to read and understand something “Less is clearer.”  KISS stands for Keep it Simple Stupid.   

        When you pick up a medical prescription, it often comes with many pages of information that no one ever reads.  The object is to inform the consumer about the possible consequences of using the medication.  The attorneys have “covered their ass” until they have completely defeated their purpose.

    In the Creative Financing chapter or my book, Business Fits, I address the need to keep documents simple.  I mention an investor agreement that my attorney drafted that was fourteen legal pages.  It was too long and too intimidating. I revised the agreement to one 8 ½ x 11 page document with room for signatures, and gave it back to him.  He admitted the one page revision covered everything needed and approved it. 

    Lawyers have become an integral part of out economy and government.  Common sense has been removed from the law.  The United States has 5% of the world’s population and 70% of the attorneys.  Does anyone other than me see a problem?

    There needs to be limits to the length of any bill proposed in Congress.  Members of Congress don’t even read a bill before passing it.   H.R.1 was 800 pages, Pelosi’s proposed stimulus bill 1400 pages, Obama Care bill was 2,400 pages, and the COVID Relief bill was 5,593 pages.  This is crazy. 

    I would like to see a twenty page maximum for any bill.  A ten page limit would be even better.  Think what this would achieve.  Every piece of legislation should be a single issue voted on for its own merits, with no bundling of unrelated issues.  Earmarks would have to be eliminated.  Things like the Green New Deal which were totally unrelated and never could pass on their own would be eliminated.  Legislators would actually be able read a bill before voting on it. 

    It is impossible to legislate every situation, so there would have to be some common sense to interpret the bill.  I know some of you think advocating the use of common sense in government is an oxymoron, but it would be nice.

    We must observe the Constitution and clean up the legislation that Congress passes.  If a proposed bill needs an attorney to interpret it - it should be rewritten.

 Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Less is Better

         Our Founding Fathers were afraid that someday the Federal government could become too big and powerful.  They wanted more power with the states.

        The 10th Amendment was passed to restrict the powers of the Federal Government.  It’s been totally ignored in recent times.  It reads:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

         For example, the Federal government has a Department of Education, and nowhere in the Constitution is the Federal government given any authority to be involved in education.  Education is the responsibility of the States and the people.  Maybe if the Federal government got out of education, our universities would run more efficiently and stop teaching racist and Marxist propaganda.

        Earmark and pork barrel has gotten totally out of control. This has nothing to do with serving the American people.  It is how career politicians pay back their political contributors.  The so-called COVID bill and infrastructure bill both had less than 10% of the money going to what the bills were actually written for.  The rest was pork.

        Federal government spending has to be curtailed.  Our debt is over 28 trillion.  This is over $85,000 for every citizen.  This has to stop before the country is bankrupt.  According to the Treasury Department the federal debt limit has been raised 78 times since 1960.  It may take a Constitutional Convention to resolve this, because the Congress is obviously not responsible.

        Out-of-control government spending will cause taxes will go up, but inflation is a real and immediate problem.  Everything has gone up.  The price of fuel, meat and lumber is ridiculous.  Inflation hurts the low and middle class the worst.  The rich and political elite are not effected.

        Less is better.  We must reduce the size and out-of-control Federal government spending if the want to restore the American Dream.

        One thing the Federal government is responsible for is protecting our sovereign nation and securing our borders.  The Biden administration has zero interest in supporting that Constitutional obligation.



Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Black Lives

        The Democratic Party has always been the party of racism and segregation, but now the Left is ruining the lives of blacks, even causing black deaths. 

        Black Lives Mater and ANTIFA clearly are anarchists promoting a Marxist agenda.   The riots in the streets are often in minority communities which destroy black businesses and jobs.  The evidence also shows these riots cost black lives.  

        Defunding the police means minority neighborhoods have less protection.  All crimes including murder have increased with less police.  It has gotten so bad that police don’t want to go into these areas and I don’t blame them. 

        The claim that racist white cops are intentionally killing blacks is a lie.  Yes, racist cops exist, but intentionally targeting blacks is so rare that it is an anomaly.  Most police would rather avoid arresting blacks because of the potential negative repercussions, and we can’t blame them.

        The WOKE movement tells young blacks that they are in danger from the police in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.  Young blacks are advised to run from, resist, or fight the police.  Anyone who takes that advice is  asking for trouble. 

        Black and WOKE parents also give their children bad advice by saying the police hurt people.  They need to tell children that the police are their friend and are there to protect them. 

        I heard one black mother on TV say she feared for her teenage son’s safety when he went out in the middle of the night.  What is a teenager doing going out in the middle of the night alone?  The problem is clearly not with the police.

        I have heard celebrities like Geraldo Rivera and Juan Williams say the police are racist and black youth should be afraid of them.  Geraldo and Juan are promoting the run, resist, and fight behavior.   I wonder how many lives they have cost with these racist lies.

        Everyone should obey the law and respect the police.  This is a matter of good character and has nothing to do with skin color.  As Martin Luther King said, this is how people should be judged.



Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com.