Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Black Lives

        The Democratic Party has always been the party of racism and segregation, but now the Left is ruining the lives of blacks, even causing black deaths. 

        Black Lives Mater and ANTIFA clearly are anarchists promoting a Marxist agenda.   The riots in the streets are often in minority communities which destroy black businesses and jobs.  The evidence also shows these riots cost black lives.  

        Defunding the police means minority neighborhoods have less protection.  All crimes including murder have increased with less police.  It has gotten so bad that police don’t want to go into these areas and I don’t blame them. 

        The claim that racist white cops are intentionally killing blacks is a lie.  Yes, racist cops exist, but intentionally targeting blacks is so rare that it is an anomaly.  Most police would rather avoid arresting blacks because of the potential negative repercussions, and we can’t blame them.

        The WOKE movement tells young blacks that they are in danger from the police in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.  Young blacks are advised to run from, resist, or fight the police.  Anyone who takes that advice is  asking for trouble. 

        Black and WOKE parents also give their children bad advice by saying the police hurt people.  They need to tell children that the police are their friend and are there to protect them. 

        I heard one black mother on TV say she feared for her teenage son’s safety when he went out in the middle of the night.  What is a teenager doing going out in the middle of the night alone?  The problem is clearly not with the police.

        I have heard celebrities like Geraldo Rivera and Juan Williams say the police are racist and black youth should be afraid of them.  Geraldo and Juan are promoting the run, resist, and fight behavior.   I wonder how many lives they have cost with these racist lies.

        Everyone should obey the law and respect the police.  This is a matter of good character and has nothing to do with skin color.  As Martin Luther King said, this is how people should be judged.



Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com.

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