Tuesday, January 18, 2022

A Call FOr Revolution

         I just finished reading A Call For Revolution by Martin L. Gross.  The subtitle is “How Washington is Strangling America – and How to Stop it?” 

        Mr. Gross was a Newspaper editor and author who was critical of our federal government.  His books also include: National Suicide, The End of Sanity, The Government Racket 2000, The Tax Racket, The Conspiracy of Ignorance, The Government Racket 2000 and Beyond, The Red President, The Great Whitewater Fiasco, The Medical Racket, The Psychological Society, Washington Waste from A to Z, Man of Destiny, The Political Racket, The Red Connection, The Fourth House, and The Red Swastika.

        I don’t agree with everything in A Call For Revolution, but I do agree with the basic premise of the book.  Gross points out how the Washington DC establishment has grown totally out of control and is strangling the rest of the country.

        He points out the duplication, waste, inefficiency, fraud, graft, and corruption of Washington.  He mentions how elected people in Congress vote for wasteful earmark spending in exchange for earmark spending in their districts.  He also points out how intelligence agencies are out of control with little or no supervision.  The understanding is: “Never mess with the intelligence agencies, because they will make you pay.”

        All this sounds like the problems we face today, but Gross wrote the book in 1993.  He died at 88 in 2013.  He saw the problem then.  He could not imagine how much worse it has gotten in the last 29 years.  He would really be calling for a revolution now.  It is time for action. 

        It took decades to get in this mess and it will not be corrected overnight, but we must start to fix it now.  No one has ever seriously addressed the problem except for President Trump. 

        We cannot let the Washington establishment and deep state run this country.  We need to have a goal of eliminating 75% of the unconstitutional and unneeded agencies, departments, and cabinet posts in Washington.  50% of the staff of the remaining must be eliminated. 



Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com

1 comment:

  1. Written like a true libertarian with a few beliefs left unsaid:
    Cut social programs
    Do away with regulations
    Prop up the military
    Cut taxes
    Protect your property at all costs
    Arm a majority of the population
    Deny science and history
    Ignore pollution
    Propose isolationism
    and honker down for when the whites become the minority.
