Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Phone Etiquette

 When I was General Manager of Duffy’s Collectible Cars my phone habits got pretty bad.   I got to the point where I was not saying hello or goodbye.  I would just say “Terry” when I answered and hang up when I was done.  Thankfully someone pointed this out to me so I could correct my bad habits.    


In the chapter on “Customer Service” in my book Business Fits, I address returning phone calls. 


The most important lesson in customer service is that when there is a problem, we must talk to the customer the same day.  No exceptions.  Prompt communication is essential. 


When I took over as plant manager for a recreational vehicle plant, I discovered some employees were not returning phone calls.  When I asked them about it, they said they knew what the person wanted and didn’t have an answer yet.  I told them that returning the call was more important than the answer.  As described in the book, I took extreme actions to correct the problem. 


A couple things that are common with bad phone etiquette involve leaving voice messages.  The first is how people speak very clearly and slowly when leaving a message until they get to leaving their phone number.  That is rattled off so fast that it is impossible to understand.  People should say the phone number slowly and distinctly, and REPEAT IT. 

The second thing is to wait a couple minutes after leaving a message.  Sometimes a person just can’t get to the phone in time and will call back immediately after hearing the phone message.  It is very frustrating to call back and not get an answer.  If the call is worth making, it is worth waiting a few minutes after leaving the message. 


Some world leaders now will not take a call or return a call from President Biden.  Is this bad phone etiquette, or is it just because he is a joke and no longer considered a world leader?  How did we get in this mess?


We must fight for fair elections and take control back from the DC establishment and Deep State.  These are the first steps to take back this country.


Business Fits by Terry Oliver Lee is available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback.     http://BusinessFits.com

1 comment:

  1. With what is going on in the country and the world one would think a blog titled Common Sense, Business & Politics would have something more important and insightful to comment on than phone etiquette.

    Yes, there is something else going on:

    A WAR in Ukraine.
    The nomination of a Supreme Court Justice.
    Rising energy prices
    Bird flu
    BA.2 subvariant

    Seemed like a trite little blog post on phones until it closed with a biased political comment "Some world leaders now will not take a call or return a call from President Biden"

    Not receiving return calls from country dictators like Putin, Assad, Afwerki, Lukashenko or Kim Jong-un from POTUS is not note-worthy. They do not merit the dignity of being called world leaders. Will a list of world leaders not returning calls follow? Please offer proof that China and India do not return calls.

    And what's with the problem with elections?
